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Filler chapter
Matt looked beside him to see his girlfriend sleeping. He smiled as he covered her up. He shook his head as she put her head on his chest. "Lily." He says laughing. "Wake up."

"No." She tells him. "I don't want to be involved in whatever is going to happen today."

"What if we go on a date?" He asked.

Lily looked at him with a smile. She leaned over and kissed him. "If only we were married."

Matt watched Lily go over to her closet to start changing. He groaned as he laid his head back on the bed hoping that next year goes by fast. He really wants to have sex with the love of his life.
"So, what do you think about another pet?" She heard Matt ask.

"I don't know. We have our puppy and Happy, but will Annie and Eric let us have another pet?"

"We can find out." Matt says as they heard a meow.

Lily let go of Matt's hand and walked over to the bush to see a newborn baby kitten. Matt walked over to her and saw the little kitten. "Matt, we can't just leave this little guy. It's just a newborn."

"Wonder where the mother is."

Lily looked ahead and saw the mother cat and the other newborn kittens. "Dead."

Matt looked and saw what she saw. He looked at her and smiled. "Let's get this little fella checked out and we will get things that will help him grow."

"I love you." Lily says as she held the little kitten. "We need to get the blanket from the back and wrap him up. They need warmth."

Matt nodded as they went to the car and grabbed the blanket. He walked to the front and saw how Lily was with the kitten. He smiled as he couldn't wait to see her with their baby.

God Gave Me You-7th HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now