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Lily sat in Matt's lap at the airport waiting for the Colonel. She didn't say anything as she listened to them. "I thought it was out of fear." Matt said as Lily elbowed him.

"It is for me." Lucy said. "I'm scared of both of them."

"I don't know why we all have to come and pick 'em up, especially on the one Friday we all have off from school." Matt pointed out. "I mean, They only like Mom and Mary, anyway."

"Why did we come?" Lucas asked.

"Because you two are family."

Lily sighed as she leaned on Matt. "They're here."

Lily and Lucas stood in their spot watching the Camdens with their grandparents. "I'm so glad that we don't have to go through that."

"After mom and dad died, I think we were disowned because of the family we wanted to stay with." She said. "I don't regret it."


"Lily, come here." Matt said making her walk over.

Lucas laughed at them till Mary grabbed him making him groan. Lily looked at her brother and laughed. "Karma."
Arriving back at home, Lily walked in with them as Annie clapped just for the radio to turn on too. She looked at Matt as he was the oldest making her laugh. Matt looked at her as she was handed candy. "I..."

"She loves sweets." Lucas said as he covered her mouth.

Lily licked Lucas's hand making him look at her. "Bye." She said as she ran off.

"Wait up!" Matt said following his girlfriend.
Lily was cleaning her room as Matt talked to the younger kids. Ruth saw her and smiled as she saw the girl cleaning. "Annie, what is Lily to Matt?"

"Oh, that's his girlfriend." She said. "Her and Lucas lost their parents couple years back and they chose to live with us because Lily loves helping out around here and she's..." Annie looked at a picture of Lily and Matt. "...such a sweet heart."

"She really is." Mary tells them.

Lily walked out with a basket and walked straight into Matt's room to get his clothes. She smiled as she grabbed his dirty clothes and walked out of the room. "She's very quiet."

"Nah. Lily is respecting you two." Annie said. "She'll mostly be with Matt once she gets them in the washer machine."

Ruth nodded as Lily rolled her eyes as she walked away.
Matt wrapped his arms around Lily causing her to look at him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She said. "There's just so much tension with them here."

"I know, but it's just for a few days."

Lily turned in his arms as Annie and Ruth walked in. "I love you, Matt Camden. Only God could give me someone like you."

"I love you, Lily Hartman." He said kissing her. "God gave me you."

Ruth looked at Annie who was smiling at Matt and Lily.
Lily walked downstairs and looked at Matt. "You think that I will let you sleep down here."

"No." He said. "Come here."

Lily laid beside him and looked at Ruthie who smiled as they fell asleep.
The next morning, Matt dragged Lily and Lucas to the garage to talk. "Why us?" Lucas asked.

"You two are family."

Lily listened to them as they were considering adopting George, but the other's weren't too happy. Lucas looked at his sister as he knew she was going to say their orphans, but Matt had her in his arms. When the others left, Lily grabbed Matt. "Matt..."

"You're not an orphan, Lily. Mom and dad made sure of that." He said. "Having you and Lucas made us more of a family. I love you, Lily and no one will never think that of you and Lucas."

"I love you." She said kissing him.
Lucas smiled at his sister. "Hey, Mary is going to drive. Want to come?"

"Let's go."

Matt smiled as Lily grabbed his hand as they walked out of the room. Lucas shook his head as he smiled at them.
When Lily, Matt, Lucas and Mary arrived back and Lily heard arguing between her brother and boyfriend with Mary. She heard their grandparents walk in causing her to sneak by. She heard the Colonel tell Matt he could drop him off at the barber causing her to wait for him. When he walked through, Lily grabbed him and ran her fingers through his hair. "I like your hair. I get to do this."

"I know. As long as your happy about it."

"Oh, Matt, I don't care about your hair. I care about you and our love. That's it."

Matt smiled as he kissed her.
Going outside, Matt, Lily, Lucas, and Mary walked out, but Matt grabbed Annie to keep her from seeing the car causing Lily to smile as she walked away. "Lucas, he will see it."

"Yeah." He said. "Especially when he comes back from the store."

"We're screwed."
Lily went to the store and saw the lady. She walked over to her and sighed. "Excuse me?" She said causing the lady to look at her. "I'm sorry, but those rings are my boyfriend's mother's ring." Lily sighed. "See I had a gun held to my head when I was with her and I have really been the same. I've been putting on this brave face, but knowing that her rings are gone doesn't help much."

"Oh, dear. I'm sorry." She said.

"See, those rings around your neck are her's. I know because I always admired them." She handed a new set to her. "I want you to have these."

Matt pulled up to see Lily getting his mom's rings. Lily smiled as she walked back to the car and left.
Matt grabbed the rings as Lily was asleep. Annie smiled that Lily was letting go and that was a good thing. When Eric's parents were leaving, Ruth gave Matt something. "I can tell you love her. Give her this."

The Colonel was talking to Lily and Lucas. "You two did amazing job with fitting in." He said making them look at him smiling. "You two belong in this family." The Colonel looked at Lily. "Especially you, Lily. Keep making Matt happy."

"I will."

Matt smiled as he hugged her. When they heard a guy telling them that Simon won a viper, Lily shook her head and looked at her brother. "No more being around Simon." She tells him.

When Simon was told he couldn't keep the car, Lily shook her head as she knew how Simon was. Matt stood behind Lily with the box his grandmother gave him as Lily and Mary walked out. He opened the box to see a ring. "Is Ruth hinting something?"

"I-I don't know." He said. "But I'm keeping it till we've graduated."

Lucas nodded. "Hey, you make her happy and I know the two of you will be together for a very, very long time."

"Yeah. She's the one I've always said I will marry." Matt said. "This ring is perfect."

God Gave Me You-7th HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now