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Lily sat beside her brother as they listened to the Colonel at the rehab for George to meet Eric's sister. Julie was meeting him for the first time. "Yeah, Colonel, I'll meet my sister even though we haven't met. I should be the one nervous."

"He has a point, baby." Lily says.

"That's true. Why aren't you?" Matt asked.

"I don't rattle."

Lucas looked at his sister as she rolled her eyes at him. This was something that they would never thought they will be here. Lily stood up and started to get something to drink, but she stopped seeing Julie walking downstairs. "Hi." She says.

"I can't believe you're here." She says hugging them and saw her parents. "They really came."

"I told you they would."

'I'm still terrified of my parents." Julie admitted.

"They're a lot better since George." Matt says putting his arm around Lily as she looked up at him.

"Then that makes me terrified of George, too." She tells them.

"Don't be." Annie says. "Come on."

Matt and Lily walked over to them and the reunion. She didn't smile as she could tell that Julie was a bit scared as she hugged her mom than spoke to her dad. Lily hopes everything will be okay. She looked at Matt who kissed her head as Lucas hated this awkward reunion.
Once they got home, Lily and Matt walked in first with Lucas behind them. "What's going on?" Lucas asked.

"We're trying to coach Jimmy for when he meets Grandma and the Colonel." Lucy tells them.

"Why? They're going to tear him to shreds no matter what you do." Matt says earning a smack from Lily as she went to the fridge.

"Don't scare the pour boy, Matt."

She heard Matt tell Lucas to be the Colonel and Mary be the grandma. Lucy noticed Lily shaking her head as she listened to them acting like that. Matt looked at Lily as she rolled her eyes as she leaned against the fridge listening to her brother and best friend. The blonde smiled. "You know, he has a point." She tells them walking over to them. "Jimmy, don't let them intimidate you. They'll like you because you are quiet..." she looked at her brother. "And you respect Lucy. Plus, their not bad like they put them out to be."

Lily walked to another room causing Matt to follow her. "You really had to do that."

"Yes, because the boy wasn't unnerved by that performance. He will learn on his own."

Matt nodded as he followed Lily out the door, but stopped as he saw Lily walking around. He couldn't understand how God created a human being like Lilly Hartman. "You got lucky, Matt." He heard his grandmother say. "She's an angel."

"God sent her to me." He says. "I thank him everyday."
At dinner, the dining room was filled with laughter. The look on Annie's face caused Lily to pay attention to her actions. She knew something was wrong. When they were told they could all go, Lily stood up and left the room causing Annie to get her chance to talk to Eric.
Outside, Annie uncovered half the boat Annie and Lily have been working on. Lily knew it wasn't ready, but Annie wanted to show them yet. The blonde didn't say anything as the others joked about the boat. The blonde looked at Matt as he laughed as she didn't think it was funny because they were still working on it and it was a work in progress.

Matt looked at Lily and saw that she was upset. She walked away from them causing Matt to sigh. "Annie, Lily." She looked at the Colonel. "Me and George would love to take this out."

"Thank you, Colonel." Annie says.

"At least you didn't laugh." Lily said as she walked inside.

Matt knew he was in trouble.
Lily looked in her room at the one thing she was building for Matt. She smiled as she looked at the frame she was working on. "Lily, I didn't mean to upset you."

"I've been helping Annie with that boat. The two color paint is because we are trying to narrow it down to one." She tells him. "Since you laughed at the boat, I wanted you to have this and I'm going to sleep on the couch."


Lily went to leave, but Matt pulled her back and kissed her. She smiled as she knew he was sorry for laughing. "I'm sorry for laughing." He looked at the frame. "You made this?"

"Yeah. Do you like it?"

"I love it."

Just those words made Lily smile.
The next morning, Matt didn't see Lily causing him to walk to the window to see her walking around. He smiled as he got dressed and ran out to her causing her to smile as he took her hand in his. Mrs. Camden smiled as she saw her grandson and his girlfriend. "He's going to propose."

Colonel looked outside and smiled. "I see that. She will make a good Camden."

"We know it."
Lily heard the news that George's father was actually alive and that he want's him back. She stood with Colonel and his wife, but she was comforting Mrs. Camden as she was very upset. Matt stood by watching his girlfriend be with his grandparents. "Don't lose faith." She tells them. "God will find a way to keep him here with you."

"Thank you, Lily."

"Lily, why don't you go find Matt."

"Are you sure?"

"Thank you, sweetie, but we need some time alone."

The blonde nodded as she walked away. Matt smiled as he put his arms around her.
Sitting in their room, Matt put his arms around Lily causing her to look at him. She smiled sadly as this was all becoming a mess. He kissed the top of her head and held her close. "Go check on, Julie." She tells him. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." She says smiling at her puppy. "I have Scooby and our little kitten."

"Okay." He says kissing her.

Lily smiled as she watched him walk out. She walked over to her bed and laid down. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.
After Matt spoke to Julie, he went back to his room. He stopped seeing Lily sound asleep causing him to join her. He hopes that everything works out okay.

God Gave Me You-7th HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now