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Genesis POV

Though Jason hated...absolutely hated that Josh was here

Jesabell seemed a little too comfortable around him

Jason: exactly how long is he going to stay

Genesis: I have no idea baby...trust me if he tries to make a move, I swear I will tell you, nothing will ever come between us

Jason: makes me feel a lot better

he gave me a kiss

Jason: can't wait until the baby gets here...I'm so excited

he picked me and spung me around

Genesis: put me down! haha...hey...let me down

Jason: oh...I'll put you down

he winked at me

Jason: can't believe my girl is in there

Genesis: its a boy trust me...

Jason: okay...sure whatever you say

Genesis: babe, how's your mom holden up?

he took a deep breath

Jason: she won't edmit she's depressed, she eats like a bird...reads the same book...and she won't go out

Genesis: she's depressed....aww I'm sorry baby

I gave him a kiss

Josh passed by and Jason tensed up

Genesis: babe...calm down

Jason: he-

he got cut off by crying...we heard coming from the hallway

we both looked at each other

together we walked to patties room

we slightly opened it...she was crying her eyes out, looking at pictures

Jason: mom

he walked right to her

Jason: mom...please stop, stop crying...you'll get over it

Pattie: I-its ju-just I-I mi-mi-miss hi-him so-so so mu-much

she cried on his chest

I just stood there

Pattie: ho-honey....pl-please

she held up one finger to give her a moment to catch her breath

Pattie: please reconsider.....don't get revenge, its not worth it, your putting other peoples lives in danger, I know I I'm no one to speak but...for the sake of my grand child, please don't do anything, its not worth it...if you get revenge what changes? nothing, people close to these people will want revenge that never ends anything...please for my grand child

now I'm getting tensed up...that's my little sister she's talkin about

she's making it harder...

Pattie: please honey....don't do it for me...do it for the baby

god damn you Pattie Mallette....fine

I had to do what's right....

I went to the basement

brad: what's up

Genesis: guys could we talk...please

Jack: I guess...sure what is it

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