Trying to Start Over Again

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Jason's POV

She left, she actually

I had to sit down on the curve, and take a deep breath

my world gone, all of it gone


Jason: why the hell did this happen to me?

I questioned myself

I drove back home, I told them eveything

Fredo: well I won't get worried...I mean we are in gangs, I'm sure we're gonna see them again

Jason: maybe...who knows

I got a bottle of vodka, and sat on the couch, and chugged it down

it didn't really help, I felt it kinda workin...not really

she left me

Chris: man I feel sorry for you, but I think the best you can move on bro, she left, maybe it was for the best

Jason: no it wasn't.....

                  (*ONE MONTH LATER*)

(still Jason's POV)

it's been a month since I've seen genesis, we haven't talked since then, she's probably moved on, and sadly I need to move on

the guys think I'm depressed,but I'm not I just don't want to be in a other relationship at the moment or be with any girl now

we're packing up and leaving for Nevada

Alex: you have everything

I nodded

Alex's POV

Jason has been very weird lately, he barley talkes, eats, or sleep

he just sits on the damn couch looking up at the ceiling, all day

he's gotten smaller, and pale, he's so skinny it's not funny

seriously my brother is going to die of depression....he's just not the same anymore

we try and go out but he's not ever in the damn mood

Genesis POV

I've lost track of how many days I haven't seen Jason

I woke and did my normal routine

nothing new besides more cutting

I went downstairs

Tyler: you hungry?

Genesis;  no thanks, maybe later

Matt pull me back into the kitchen, he hurt my arm

Genesis; what the hell

Matt;  "maybe later" is gettin pretty old, you've been saying that for the past few weeks, you hardly even talk anymore, or eat! look at you your a fuckin tooth pick, and your pale as fuck

he shook his head, and let go of my arm

well I am kinda hungry, I sat down

Tyler made pancakes, thank god he didn't burn the house down

I got a glass of milk, and I began to eat

after and hour of eating everything in sight, I was finally full

Genesis; I think I ate a little to much, but thanks

Cody; well at least you look like you now

he walked out the back door

I need to move on, Jason probably moved on....I can't be stuck in this "Jason moment" forever

I walked back to my room,I stood in the middle

I need to change it up, I moved my bed on the other side of my room

I moved all my things around, it was lookin good so far

I went to my bathroom, I looked at my self

I need to change, for me

I threw all my blades out, anythinf I could cut myself with

I walked back out, I saw something stick out under the bed

I got it, it was the picture of Jason and I

of course I'm not going to throw it away, I took an old picture of Kimberly and I and replaced it with the new one

I put it on my night stand, I took all my clothes and put them in a bag, I grabbed my car keys and drove around

I saw a mother and beside her two little girls

I stopped and got out the car, I walked up to the mother

Genesis: hi, do you speak Spanish?

lady: si, yes I do

Genesis: bueno las ver, y pense que necesitabas ropa

( I saw that you might need clothes↑↑)

lady: si

Genesis: no las necesito, es un regalo

(I don't need them, its a girft)

she gladly took the bag, she looked at me in shock

lady: gracias....thank you

before I left, I gave her all the money I had in my wallet

Genesis: take care!

I got back in my car and left

I need to change,it may be something new

I drove back home

the guys were all nervous when I got there

Genesis: umm is something wrong?

Matt: we got the second letter

I took the letter out of his hands and read it

" As you may know, this is the second letter of the month, your plan is to be your must take down someone who betrayed you, the clues are at the bottom......remember you kill

C: Coward

A: Aggressive

N: Negative

C: Chaser

M: Manly

N: Nothing but the guy that took the most important thing in the world"

Genesis: they want us to kill Jason....but he can't make us do that

Matt: not just Jason.....all of them the beginning of each word, put them in the right order and you get-

Genesis: "McCann" M-C-C-A-N-N"

Oh shit

Genesis: not today, I say no

Tyler: bu-

Genesis: I said no, besides I know just what do to


sorry guys I know this was a shitty ass chapter but I'm running out of ideas!!! help me!!!

COMMENT your ideas or message me on wattpad or IG!

Please help me I'm running out!!!


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