Alone....but Together

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Before you start reading my loves! I just wanna say I'm very happy to end the year...2015 was something...and very happy that you guys are there. I want to wish you guys a amazing happy new year. And it's become a tradition.....I began this chapter  at
12:40 pm the last day of 2015
So this chapter is from 2015

Happy New Years babies.
Jason's POV

I took Addison. I mixed the formula, made sure is was the right temperature before feeding it to her.

Feeding her the bottle, I was looking for the pills. Once I found them. I took 3.

I went to sit on the couch. I wrapped a blanket around her. I called Alex.

Alex: hello

Jason: it's me

Alex: I was wondering-

Jason: dude stop...

Alex: what's up

Jason: when did you leave?

Alex: 10-15 minutes ago...while your bitch ass was passed out on the couch. I left

Jason: oh well keep me updated on what's going on.

Alex: I will. Give the baby a kiss for me. Alright bye

Jason: bye

I hung up the phone. She kept looking at me, her eyelashes reached her small eyebrow. They were long.

I gave her a kiss on the head. Once she finished her bottle I tried burping her. Once she did that....something smelled....bad

I checked and yup....her diaper. Taking her upstairs to her room. I laid her on the changing table. She began to cry.

Jason: sh sh its sh mommys asleep....she needs rest

Changing her diaper was worse...she kept moving and cried even harder

I put baby powder and got a new diaper on. I changed her oneis. She was in a light warm green with flowers.

I put her little mittens on if not she was scratch herself without knowing and cry even more.

When I was done, I sat her rocking chair...trying to but her to sleep.

She played with my hand. Duke was sitting in front of me just staring away. Freak me out a little.

I started humming and that's the only way she was getting sleepy.

I laid her on my chest. I felt her eyelashes on my neck. I lightly patted her back.

My phone vibrated, it was Alex

I answered

Jason: what happened

Alex: I got jasmine.

Jason: great. Is she coming?

Alex: yea...I sent her with Alfredo.

Jason: when will she be here

Alex: I say around 4-5ish so stay put.

Jason: what about Justin and mom

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