Michael & Jesabell

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Genesis POV

once we passed out...I slept a little but I was waken by a ringing phone

it was Jason I automatically panicked

and picked up

Genesis: hello?!

Jason: hey I couldn't sleep

Genesis: but are you okay?

Jason: yea I'm fine...just couldn't sleep

Genesis: my either...its been a couple of hours and I miss you like crazy...

Jason: miss you too baby

we eneded up talking all night until 9am

I was like half asleep

Jason: babe...go to sleep your sleeping on me

Genesis: she said...wait what

he laughed

Jason: babe go to sleeeppppppp

Genesis: I can't....bell is probably going to wake up any minute

Jason: your forgetting somethin

Genesis: oh what is that genius?

Jason: she's a teenaged girl...she's not.going to wake up until probably about 12...

i thought about it....so true

Genesis: okay well...bye babe talk to later love you

Jason: love you too...

he hung up and I immediately fell asleep


Jason: baby....look at me...I tried to let you...

Genesis: tell me what...please tell me

he swallowed hard

Jason: I took bell to see him...but you need to understand, they learn from their mistakes...

Genesis: Jason! not by having my 12 year old sister pregnant with someone else...what is your problem....I can't believe you went behind my back....unbelievable

Jason: look! how the hell was i suppose to know they were going to hook up?!

Genesis: you don't leave them alone! besides I don't know who that little bastard is!

Jason: watch it!

Genesis: its tr-

Jason: that's none of your concern who he is...

Genesis: oh dear god...please tell me its not you...imma be sick...you sick bastard, you got my sister pregnant!

I ran towards him, I tried punching him, but he moved

Jason: look at me...I'm not, but the father of that baby is-

*dream over*

I woke up heavily breathing....holy shit what a dream

I heard talking down stairs...bell and a male voice

I panicked and ran

I opened the door to see.....Jason?

Jason: surprise babe....

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