Noah Jason Ashton McCann

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Read the end!!!!

there's a surprise!

Genesis POV

Its been a week since we found out the sex of the baby...and ever since I've felt more kicks, I guess he's ready to get out

We found a tempery house to stay in, while evrything cools down....

Everytime we get closer and closer to our due date i get more nervous then I'm already am

Its only 4 more months until Noah gets here

I'm nervous....but on the other side Jason is beyond excited and happy for the baby

Jason: babe how you feeling?

Genesis: great, just feel tired and all

Jason: I really wanted to talk to you about somethin

I slowly turned around to face him

Genesis: oh really about what babe

Jason: I'll understand if you completely don't want to

Genesis: about what

Jason: with you and the whole pregnancy....I've been looking for house, you know for us....

I smiled

Genesis: where are you going with this jas

Jason: I kinda sorta bought the house, don't be mad

I wasn't mad, but like shocked in a way you know?

Genesis: I'm not mad...but I don't understand what your trying to say

Jason: I bought the house for us....and it was suppose to be a surprise, but then I didn't want you to be mad and then us argue about it and then we fight say things we don't mean and then we fight over who gets the kid and-

Genesis: Jason.

he looked at me

Jason: little to much?

I nodded

Genesis: I think you did a great job with getting a house....what about your mom though

Jason: call me a mommas boy whatever you want but I got her a house 4 houses down know for safety

Genesis: yea I understand

Jason: and bell....well I know bell is your soul because well I'm your life

I giggled

Jason: its true....but she's staying with us...and I had her help me choose the house, and everyone chipped in

I got emotional

Jason: everyone's in on it...just one more thing we need to finish momma bear

Genesis: and what's that

Jason: baby's room...and now that we now the gender....all you have to do is pick a color because its a surprise for you and Noah

Genesis: when do you need the color by?

Jason: end if this week....alright?

Genesis: okay

Jason: by the way......someone is downstairs waiting to see you, imma take a shower real quick

he gave me a kiss on my head and went to the bathroom.

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