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Genesis's POV

Getting in the truck, no one, absolutely no one talked. There was tension.

I tried to manage my anger.

Arriving at the airport, Pattie was there.

Genesis: Pattie!

She had Addison in her arms.

Pattie: I heard what happened. Is everything okay?

Genesis: it will be. I hope. How was she?

Pattie: doll as always. I put her down, she quickly fell asleep.

Genesis: great. Oh Pattie. Not sure if you have met my mom but this is Jimena and this Pattie, mom.

Jimena: nice to meet you.

Pattie: pleasure.

Getting on the plane, everyone went to there seat. Being up in the air, I was being unarmed and having everything taken off me.

My mom and Pattie were talking. Everyone else seemed to be in their own things. I just sat there.

My phoned vibrated, incoming call.

"Hello?"- genesis

"Bring them back here or it will be the end of it." Rafael

"Is that a threat?" Genesis

"More like a warning"- Rafael

"Bring it on. Don't think I won't have eyes on you. Remember there's a reason why I'm at he top." Genesis

"Little girl, this is the last time, bring them back!" Rafael

"Why? You finally got the weight off your shoulders....bang the woman's brains out. You are officially a free man."genesis

I hung up.

Pattie: is everything alright honey?

Genesis: for now? I would like to think so. Yea.

Jimena: you should get some rest sweetie.

Genesis: I'll try, but I don't think I can. Where's Addison

Alex: Jason has her in the room.

Slowly literally dragging myself to his room. I turned the knob, I walked in the room and saw them asleep together.

Carefully,I got her and put her in the small crib we got.

Jason: *yawn* what- oh

Genesis: sorry didn't mean to wake you. I was just putting her in the crib so you'd be more comfortable.

Jason: yea....and listen about before. Now that we actually have time and don't have any interruptions we can talk about when we get her.

Genesis: yea

Jason: I go back to Alex's, we can start with holiday's first and then we can go from there

Genesis: okay, well there's January, there's nothing to celebrate bout you?

Jason: not that I remember....February?

Genesis: the Super Bowl...but I guess we can both have her the same day right?

Jason: sounds like a plan.

Genesis: how bout March, I guess we both have Easter. If you want

Jason: I don't mind get together that day. We can do it together, my mom wouldn't want to miss it with her. And my birthday

Genesis: yea. Okay

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