What Happened?

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Jason's (POV)

the next day I woke up alone in bed

I freaked the fuck out, where is she?

I ran to the bathroom

she wasn't there


no answer

I grabbed some basketball shorts and a sweater and got in my car

I drove to a near by park


I drove by streets, nothing

I saw a hot, nice fit, sexy girl running

ohh shit it was genesis

she waved, and signaled me to stop of the side of road

I got out

and ran to her

Genesis: what's wrong baby you okay? your pale

Jason: what do you mean what's wrong, you scared the shit out of me, why did yoi run?

Genesis: Jason, I was doing my work outs, like usual I run duh!

Jason: what you remember now?

Genesis: what do you mean?

Jason: you lost your memory...and you got it back now!

yes, she remembers

we got in the car and I told her everthing that happened

Genesis: damn all that shit, so that bitch is dead for sure?

Jason: she is, lets go home

Genesis: no can do, I still have some work outs to do

Jason: can I join?

Genesis: only if you can take the pain McCann

Jason: is that a challenge Pina?

Genesis: indeed it is

Jason: so what's first?

Genesis: monkey bars

she serious? I can do 75 of those straight in a row

Jason:how many?

Genesis: 100 and then I hang from my feet and do an other 100 so crunchs

damn she's crazy, but of she can do it, I can do it

Genesis: ok start

we started

after 10 mintues passed by we were on our 40th one

Genesis: getting tired McCann?

Jason: nah you?

Genesis: not one bit

20 more minutes passed by

Genesis: 96.......aahhhh, 97.....98....99.....! aahhhh 100!!

Jason: damn princess

Genesis: now upside down

we hung from out legs

Jason: why 100?

Genesis: it helps more since all your blood is going the other way

Jason: ohh

Genesis: I'm bullshitting with you

Jason: not funny girl

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