I'm Back

815 35 23

Jason POV


I ran as I heard shots firing and getting closer

I don't know what I got myself into I can't do this by myself

I ran past few cars when I heard a little kid or baby crying in one of them

I wanted to go back but I waa scared

but it was a baby....damn

I ran back to the car I heard the crying and screaming

surprisingly the car was open

I quickly grabbed the little girl and took off

she cried so hard

Jason: sh sh its okay

what kind of mother leaves a two year old in the middle of the night in a damn car

little girl: momma

she cried

she tried getting out of my grib but I didn't let her

the guy chasing me was catching up

he pushed me down, I fell to the ground with the little girl

he kicked me, I grabbed his leg and knocked him down to the ground

soon beating the living hell out of him

he got out a gun, pointing it to the little girl

I ran to her, hearing the gun go off....feeling pain on my back shoulder

I yelled in pain, grabbing her and running, to god knows where

I didn't know much about this little girl but I needed to protect her from harm

we passed by dead body

little girl: mom-momma

she cried and jumped out my arms to the body

there was blood everywhere....she was shot on the head and stabbed all over her body

the mothers hand was closed, I opened it and it had a picture

I didn't know how it was

Jason: come on sweety.. lets go

*nightmare over*

I woke up sweating like a pig....it was barely 4 in the morning

I cuddled back to her and fell asleep

??????? POV

I've seen her....all along, she has it in her

I only left her to protuct her...and she landed here, well I can't blame her, she has it in her blood

those bastards are going to pau for what they did to her.

But my babygirl is a fighter....she's been threw hell and back a few times

she looks like her mother.....exactly like her

dark beautiful eyes....quine smile

woman:how is she

man: good....I heard...soon she'll be awake....not worry

woman: we should go

man: I want to stay here....you could go

she gave me a kiss and left

I went to a doctors office, and changed into doctor clothes

I had to disguise myself soni wouldn't get caught

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