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3 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨

"Porque me están diciendo que estás deprimida! Eso es mierda! Te me vas de está casa! Te vas de está casa este instante! No voy a dejar que alguien débil viva en esta casa! (Why in the hell would they tell me your depressed! That's bullshit right there! You are leaving this house this instant! I will not allow a weakling to live in this house!)" Your mother had yelled.

Your eyes widen in shock. How did your parents find out? Not only that but you were also in shock from the slap you father gave you.

Your cheek was red and it stung.

"You heard your mother you weakling ! Get out this house. I don't care if you find a home or not! Fix your own problems! Look at how the world is harsh and cruel and is a whole lot harsher that this!" Your father yelled.

You grabbed some stuff and left the house. You told at the front door for a couple of minutes lost in thought.

'is this my life now? Were will I go?'

An idea then popped into your head.

'My grandma! She'll probably help me!'

You thought.

You headed towards her house in hopes that she would help you.


Knock! Knock!

The door creaked open.

"Ah (Y/n)! Come in come in! Where are your parents?" She asked.

You nervously chuckled.

"Well a out that...You parents kicked me out of the house. The found out I was meeting with a therapist because... grandma the truth is...My dad is an acholic and my mom kicked me out of the house along with him and she doesn't want to leave my father. So I was wondering if I could stay with you! I mean I'm 12 so I can't get a job yet or buy an apartment yet. So please for now can I stay at your place please?" You asked.

You grandma had tears on her face. She hugged you and said"Of course you can stay but why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared to say anything. So I kept quiet. Sorry I didn't say anything sooner." You said with tears streaming down your face.

You grandma comfort you and let you settle down. You ate and after went to shower. After you came your grandma and check if your cheek was fine since. She settled you in the futon and you drifted off to sleep.

1 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

It was another average day.

You had just finished school and you were headed to your grandmas house. When you heard siren's and saw red and blue lights. Your ran trying not to think the worst of the situation.

"Hello I'm (Y/n) (L/n) Granddaughter of (Grandma name) (L/n) I live with her! What happened!" You said with tears in your eyes.

The police officer stood there silent. He removed his hat and and put on his chest.

"I'm sorry but you grandmother was murdered." He finally spoke.

Tears harshly ran down and your fingers digged in your palm.

"Thank your for the information sir but can I still see her?" You asked.

The officer nodded and took you to her.

Her body was cleaned up but her shirt was still stained with blood. More tears fell you closed her eyes and put the blanket over her.

"See you later Grandma until then I trust that you watch over me" You said with a smile. You knew she was in a better place were she would be happy all the time. So you smiled for her one last time.


A week later her funeral was held you arrived but your parents didn't bother to. You were kinda glad since you didn't have to see them but sad that they wouldn't visit her after her death.

"Now time to have a new fresh start."

Word count:651- no notes


Hiya so imma be posting every Friday! And also the next chapter will be posted to! Plz enjoy this story!


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