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You eyes widen.

Tsukishima return the expression.

It was out of the bag now.


"Just don't say anything. Get you clothes." He said looking away.

His heart raced faster than ever.

What was going to happen now?

Were you going to accept his feelings or..... reject them?

"Hey.... I'm ready we can go." You said looking the other way.

You both the walked out.

You decided to make you first move first after that confession.

You interwinded your hand in his and looked at him with a small sad smile.

He looked away pushed your hand off.

You frowned at the action and just kept you head forward.


'do I like him?'

'am i ready for this?'

'what will happen to your friendship?'

Right now a lot of questions racing through your head.

You stared down at the white floor of the bathtub with water pouring down your head.

'maybe I should give him a chance. It wouldn't hurt would it?'

The water started to feel cold so you turned it off and got out the shower.

You changed and brushed your teeth and left the bathroom.

"Kei can I come in?"

"Sure go ahead."

You entered his room and sat on the edge of his bed.

"So about what you said earlier-"

"Just forget about it."

"No no, I want to talk about it. I just wanted to say that I'm really unsure with my feelings. So I can't say no not I can say yes. So I can't tell you what I feel exactly about you. But maybe im just scared and don't know remember what I feel. So maybe we could try it out. I'm not going to lie this does scare me but i want to try it out with you. I don't wanna sound like I'm taking advantage of your feelings that not my intention believe me. But I wanna see how it goes. We can take it slow if you'd like?" You said.

To be honest you don't want to take advantage of his feelings or anything that could harm or you with his feelings. But you did kinda feel tingly side everytime you look at him.

"Are you sure this is something you want to do? I mean what if this doesn't work out? But this what you want?" He asked still not facing you.

You nodded with a small smile. "Yes Kei I really do."

You went towards him and spun him around for him to look at you.

You touched his cheeks and gave a kiss in the other.

"Yes I do wanna try. Besides I never told this but..... I always felt some tingly feeling in my stomach." You confessed blushing while looking away.

Kei widen his eyes for a split second and gave you a small smile too.

He kissed your forehead.

Koi No Yokan [Kei TsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now