6☽︎|Running in them|☾︎

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It was morning.

You did you daily routine and went to school.

As you walked in you saw Hinata, Kageyama,and Yamaguchi.

"Ohayou guys! How are y'all?"

"Were great! Anyways here is the money you asked!" Hinata replied.

"Ahh! Really thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so so so much! I promise I will pay you back soon enough!" You said bowing down with the money in your hand.

"There's no need to (n/n)-chan!" Yamaguchi replied.

"Hey why can you call her by that nickname?!" Hinata said pouting.

You giggled.

"It's okay Hinata! You and Kageyama can call me that too! I don't mind!" You replied with a bright smile.

"Ahh you so cute (n/n)-chan!" Hinata said with sparkles in his eyes.

Your eyes widened and you blushed tomato red. Even redder then Kirishima's hair tht it might have been jelous. You never had anyone really compliment you.

"A-h-h um... Thank you H-hinata" you replied covering your face.

"Boke Hinata! Boke! You made (n/n) flustered." Kageyama scolded.

"Aww~ is pipsqueak that flustered~ my my what a sight."

Your turned only to see the tall blonde and gorgeous male.

"Shut up beanpole it's just that well no one has ever complimented me before so it's just something I'm not used to." You said pouting.

"Well I guess you were just that ugly back then that no one wants you." He replied smirking.

You eyes widen.

It reminded you of 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮.

"You have a horrid face to look at! No one will ever love you!"

"Don't ever say that. You remind me of them." You said angrily at Tsukishima. You pushed him and walked away.

You went outside for some fresh air.

You just need some alone time to calm down.


"Hey guys!" You said.

"Hey (n/n)-chan how are you after...this morning." Hinata replied.

"Oh well im okay now I just needed some alone time to calm down. But I forgive him beanpole I know he didn't mean it but it just got to me." You said having a small smile.

"Oh okay anyways wanna play volleyball!" Hinata said.

You agreed and played volleyball.


You were walking towards the train station as you did you had bumped into someone. (Cuz if u didn't then no new friends in the story)

"Oops my bad. I wasn't looking!" You said.

"Nah it's good!" A male voice said.

You looked up to see black hair that was up like it was defying gravity. You then looked at his face. Golden brown eye since the other was covered by hair.

"Tetsu-kun?"You softly said.

"Wait...chibi?" He replied eyes widen.

You nodded picking your self up hugging him immediately.

Koi No Yokan [Kei TsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now