2 ☽︎|Bullies|☾︎

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It was morning and you were just about getting your stuff ready when you heard a knock on the door.

You went and opened it.

"Hey (Y/n)! Sorry we didn't tell you yesterday but we also wanted to talk to you in the mornings too!" Yamaguchi said.

You were shocked to see them both here but went to grab your stuff.

"That's really sweet but just walk me in the mornings in the afternoons I have to work. Yesterday I had the day off so just walking in the mornings is fine!" You said walking with them.

"Ohh and by the way here is my number and Tssuki's just in case no something comes up!" The green-haired cinnamon roll said.

You grabbed it and gave both of them your numbers.

"So Titan dude what happened to the witty Insults. Don't tell you gave up and let me win." You teased.

"Oh but I was thinking why would I insult someone with such a tiny brain."He replied with a smirk.

"Well I think it's you who has the small brain because you do realize that we attended the same class right!"You replied.

"I do know that but I'm better at that class than you."He said.

"But I mean how can I be so mean to such a shrimpy who can't defend herself." He also teased.

"Oh we'll I have you know I can fight. Not as well as others but I know how to fight." You shot back.

"Umm let's just get to school in one piece k?" Yamaguchi interrupted.

"Alright! So do you both do any after school clubs!"You asked Yamaguchi smiling.


"Volleyball! I love that sport! Well besides soccer but I still love volleyball.I've played it when I was a little! " You said your eyes shining and your fist in the air feeling some pumped just talking about it.

"Well you should come some time! Maybe you could play!" Yamaguchi said.

"Well I'll try I mean I do have a job after all so I might not but I'll what I can do. I can't wait to she Titan here fail." You said.

"Seems you have a crush on me~ just can't stop talking about me. " The blonde male teased.

"Me like you! Ha! In your dreams in case you half-deaf ass didn't hear. I said I wanted to see you fail miserably." You said angrily. " I'd didn't say. ' oh I wanna see how attractive Tssuki will look. He's probably the best out of the group!' ha unless you wanted me make you feel better~" you said mimicking a high pitch voice.

"Tch whatever" he replied.


"Come on (y/n)! Let's go to eat!" The green haired male said.

"Yeah okay I just have to go to the restroom! Meet you there." You replied.

You walked towards the restroom while staring at the windows view. Until you bumped into somebody.

You turned your head around and saw a tall girl. She had brown wavy hair.Her eyes a forest green. You had to admit she was pretty. She looked pissed off. There a bunch of other girls.

"What do you think your doing with my Tssuki! He's mine! Got it! So get away from him he'll never be interested in you!" She said.

"Um Exuse me but first off he's no one's property alright. He's not a an object he's human so he decides that. Second I don't like him we're just friends. And third its your fault for being a wuss and not making a move! Now move I need to use the restroom! " You yelled.

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