
30 1 2

School started again and you walked alone.

Since Yamaguchi and Tsukishima had morning practice earlier than usual and Noelle was sick while Ino was out of town.

Your mother was at work so you walked by yourself.

You had you headphones in and was hearing to music.

"So you thought I'd let go of you so easily? No your coming with me~" A voice sounds spoke. You of course couldn't hear it but that person was speaking to you.

The unknown person went behind you with a cloth ready for your mouth and nose.

They quickly grabbed your waist and put a cloth in your mouth and nose making you muffle.

Your headphones drooped on the ground which they didn't hear.

You soon passed out. He lifted you up and placed you in his shoulder making you face his back and they were holding you in our upper thighs.


"Hey has anyone seen (n/n)-chan?" The tangerine asked.

"No she said she would come to school. But she isn't here." Yamaguchi spoke in a concerning voice.

Tsukishima was also concerned. He thought of the worst scenarios. Since you told him about Nakamura and the guy. He thought you were talking were going to go through that again. Maybe even worse.

"I'll call her!" Yamaguchi added taking his phone out.

He looked for your contact and pressed on the call button.

Straight to voicemail.

He called at least five times and you never picked up.

"She didn't pick up" Yamaguchi said now also panicking.

"What! We have go visit (n/n)-chan after school to see if she's fine" Hinata said with a determine smile.

All four nodded and got ready for class.


"Ahh hello! Are you all (y/n)'s friends?" Your mother asked.

"Yes! We were wondering if (y/n) is alright since she hasn't been to school today." Yamaguchi said.

"She didn't go to school? But she hasn't come home." She replied.

Tsukishima's eyes widen.

"May we enter please?" He asked.

"Oh of course! Please come on in!"

All four sat down as your mother headed to the kitchen to make tea.

Few minutes she entered with a tray of five green tea that smelled delightful.

"So Mrs.(l/n) there is something I would want you to know." The blonde male said seriously.

"Sure what is it?"

Tsukishima faced the three boys who looked back in confusion.

He turned back to your mother and heavily sighed.

"Back around a month or two your daughter was rapped and tortured." He said bluntly.

Your mother along with Yamaguchi, Hinata,and Kageyama had there eyes widened.

"What!" She yelled.

"Yes she told me. It happened for an entire week. She was hit,cut,bruised and so much more. When she came back she was wierd and it turns out a male raped while on of our classmates tortured her. So im afraid that when she wasn't at school she was maybe it's gonna happen again." He added.

Everyone was silent trying to process the information given.



"Well she didn't want to say because she felt like a burden to everyone since everyone from her past treated her like one. She wanted you all not worry about her. Not only that but she has gone through this plenty of times!" Tsukishima shot back.

Now they were more in shock. Hinata stood up and walked towards the door.

"I'm leaving. I'm going to find her." He said glaring at Tsukishima.

Yamaguchi also stood up and left with Hinata.

The door slammed.

Your mother went to the phone and called the police.

So now it was Kageyama and Tsukishima.

Kageyama sighed and stood up. His hair covering his eyes.

With out a second thought and without any warning a fist went across the blonde's cheek.

"If she's hurt or dead it's your fault." The blue haired male in a monotone voice.

He walked to the door and slammed it shut.

Now a red and stinging cheek was left on the salty males face.

"Oh where's the other boy?" You mother asked coming back from the call.

"He left. But what did the police say?" Tsukishima asked ignoring the sting feeling on his cheek.

"Well they said she had to missing at least two days before actually working in the case. Also may I ask why your cheek is red?"

"Well I got hit. But I'll go find (y/n). Have a good night ma'am." Tsukishima said walking out ignoring the woman's plea for him to come to get his injury fixed.



"NO! I'm sorry I yelled at you baby~ but understand you betrayed me so you need to face the consequences."

Currently you found out who it was that captured you.

And you guessed it.

Iku Nakagawa.

"I said he was just a friend! Please Iku let me go! I promise to do anything iu want me to just please let me go!" You begged tears starting to stream down your face.

"Yeah yeah~" He teasingly said.

"This is just the beginning my dear love~"

Word Count: 875- no notes




Lmao that was probably cringey 😂

Anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i wanted to thank you again for reading this story 😭😭

This means so much 🥺!

So thank you thank you thank you!!

Anyways see ya later kings/queens💕💕!


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