12☽︎Vice president of the council!☾︎

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School love.

It a subject that will come around eventually for everyone. And sadly it had come to (y/n).

Just about 2 days ago she had found out that there was a guy who was in love with her.

His name you might ask.

Iku Nakagawa.

He was a second year in the school and his height was about 5'11. He had these gorgeous hazel brown eyes. His hair was tied to back and low ponytail and had bangs to the sides. He also wear glasses and always has this smirk on his face.

"So what do you think about him (y/n)-chan~" Noelle teased.

"To be honest I don't know. Why? You like him Osamu-chan~" You shot back with a huge smirk on you face.

"Oh shut up as if." She said rolling her eyes with a small smile.

Soon the class door open and Yamaguchi and Tsukishima walked through. They heard whispers and fingers pointing at you.

"Ohayou (Y/n)-chan! Why is everyone talking about you?" Yamaguchi asked tilting his head in confusion.

"You didn't know? Nakagawa-sempai confessed to (y/n) that he liked her." Ino spat out.

Both of boys eyes widen.

"Really?! As in Nakagawa Iku! The vice president of the student council!" Yamaguchi said.

"Yeah surprising right!" You said chucking a little.

"But hey at least you now know some does have interest in you~ so just tell me when the wedding is and I'll be the bridesmaid!" Ino said smirking.

"Chill you don't even know if I like him or nah! But anyways have you seen Jujutsu Kaisen!" You grimes changing the subject.


"I KNOW RIGHT! Bruh but (fav Jujutsu character) he/she is fine af~ they can rail me anytime any day! But the action tho it's good. I stan every character of the show!" You said getting your weeb crackhead energy out.

"Yess but Gojo tho~ mmm yesss."

"Nah Sukuna is better you see how badass he is!" Noelle said.

"Okay but Nobara is just. Yesss" Ino said.

"Yes sirrrr" you said giving a peace sign while using the other to cover your face.

As all three of y'all talked and laughed Tsukishima smiled inside. But he also felt some jealousy. Another guy had his eyes set in her.


"Oh my gosh this is so good! Thank you Noelle so much! I promise to make you something!" You squealed hugging her.

"No problem but you don't have to repay me. Did because I want to." She softly spoke hugging back.

The door opened.

"(Y/n)~" You heard a low voice say.

You turned around to see Iku standing there with his signature smirk.

"Umm... Hi Nakagawa-sempai! Do you need anything?" You asked with curious tone.

"Well of course. I wanted an answer as to if you will you do me the honors to take you out and be mine." He replied with a soft smile.

You thought about it.

Tsukishima with all his heart hoped you would deny his request.

"Um sure." You said giving a genuine smile at him.

Iku stood there with a huge smile and his heart raced.

But Tsukishima.

Oh no his heart shattered into a million pieces. He had lost you to him. But it was what it was in the end.

"Great so how about a date tommorow? Sound good?" He asked.

"Um well i'm busy tommorow. But will this Friday work?" You asked.

"Oh I understand. Sure a date on Friday it is! I'll come and pick you up around four. Sound good?" He asked.

"Yeah sounds good. So i guess I'll see ya Friday!" You said with a smile.

Iku nodded and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You waved goodbye and he left.

Tsukishima said he needed to go to the restroom and walked out.

He went outside quickly to go punch a tree or something.

Meanwhile with you the girls were teasing you.

"But (y/n) why did you accept?" Ino asked.

"Well I mean I wanna give him a chance. And well I wanna experience. I mean I don't wanna play or you with his feelings. That's not my intention. But I wanna know what it feels like. Maybe I will fall in love with him. " You said with your index finger on you chin while you looked up. Like you were thinking.


"Hey Tsukishima! Wanna come study with me and Hinata and Kageyama again?" You asked with a smile.

Tsukishima felt like he couldn't face you but sucked it up and turned to look at you.

"No." Was all he said and left.

"Well what's his problem?" You asked with an irritated face. You could tell something was bothering him.

You heard the voices if the tangerine and blueberry. You walked with them along with the girls who joined the study session.



Date night.

You were finished and just waiting for Iku to pick you up.

Soon the door talked with a knock.

You walked to open the door.

Your eyes shot open. Your heart spoke a fast melody. And your blood ran cold. You lacked of the air.

Word count:864

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