16☽︎|New side?|☾︎

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The door closed and you plopped on the couch.

"(Y/n) aren't you going out with Iku?"

"Well yes but. Me and Tsukishima are going as friends not as lovers!" You replied.

"Well just be careful with who your with. And don't play with thier feelings. It's not right." You mother lectured.

You nodded and told her you were going to shower.


It was already 10 and you got ready. You took a bath and changed into your clothes for the day.

It was a dusty brown turtle neck that was tucked in black pants that were sustained by a belt. You wore high top converse. You haired was the way you wanted it.

[°|A/n|°: or just some leggings and a hoodie with ur hair in a messy bun cuz y'all built different 🥶,🙄]

You walked downstairs smelling you mother's cooking.

"Mhmm it smells good! Morning mom!" You said with a smile taking over your face.

"Ah morning mihjia! I made pancakes today!" You mother replied with a smile on her face to.

You sat down and out what your favorite topping in your pancake and ate it.

You finished your food and washed the dishes.

As you were done you heard the door knock.

You looked at the clock that it was already 11.

You opened the door to see Tsukishima.

He wore an orange shirt with a light blue jean jacket and loose pants where the end was rolled. He wore long white socks with black vans. And to top if if he wore a grey hat.

"Wow you look good~" You said clicking your tounge and finger gun pointing him.

"You look good to... So let's get going." He said looking away.

You nodded getting you backpack.

While then you mother was having a talk with the blonde male.

"Alright im ready! So let's go?" You said with a huge smile.

"Yeah. It was nice talking you Mrs.(l/n) and I hope we get the chance to talk again." Tsukishima said bowing.

You mother nodded and both you and him left to the amusement park.

"So blonde titan were you excited to hang with me~" You teased poking his cheek.

"Not even close pipsqueak." He replied with a straight face.

"Then why did you invite me?" You asked tilting your head.

'to be with your more and show you how better I am then him.'

He just kept silent and kept walking.

"Oh come in tell me! Please please please! With a cherry in top!!!" You begged.

At that moment the blonde male couldn't take it and grabbed your cheek and kissed you.

Your eyes widened and you quickly kissed him back.

You felt the warmth you felt safe like nothing could ever hurt you. It felt right.

This lasted for at least a few minutes before you both ran out of breath.

It became silent.

"So umm let's go to the amusement park?" You asked and he quickly nodded.

Koi No Yokan [Kei TsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now