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☽︎|2 months later|☾︎

"Hey (Y/n)-chan! Glad to have you back!" You teacher spoke with a small smile.

"Thank you Sensei! I'm glad to be back!"

You sat in you desk and put you headphones.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and saw Yamaguchi with a small smile.

He whispered something into your year which you noodles with a smile. This made Tsukishima curious about what both of you talked about.

You both kept talking along with Noelle and Ino.


"Hey Titan you wanna eat lunch with me?"

"But don't we eat with eachother everyday?"

"Yeah but I was thinking just me and you! So what do ya say? Nah or yea?" You asked tilting your head towards him.

"Sure" he muttered.

In the inside the blonde man loves it. He's happy that's it's just you and him. You both went to the roof top.

It's been a while since you came to the rooftop.

Ever since Hinata and Kageyama talked to us we always sat outside the school to eat and then play some volleyball.

"The air is a while lot better here don't ya think?" You asked sitting down.

"Yeah but a bit windy." He replied talking out his bento.

You both are at silence at first.

A thought soon came to your head which made you laugh. In return Tsukishima looked at you like had turned insane.

"Why are you laughing."

"Because. This is where we first meant. It was a really funny way to meet if I do say so myself." You said with another laugh after that.

He chuckled.

"Yeah I guess so. You were so stubborn back them to eat with us. You even looked desperate pipsqueak~" He teased.

"Oh shut up crusty uncultured tree! You were as salty as ever to remember. You said 'FiNe JuSt sO yOuR aSs dOn'T aNnoY uS' remember?" You said in a mocking tone.

You both then just started at eachothera orbs for what felt like forever.

You made the first action which was laugh. And then he laughed with you.

You quickly got up and patted his shoulder.

"Your it catch me if you can daddy long legs~" You yelled running around the roof.

He stopped laughing to get up quickly and run after you.

You both enjoy this.

'if this could only last forever'

He was right behind you and extended his has towards you as his legs picked up the pace. You grabbed you fr behind.

"Got you pipsqueak" he exhaled.

You both took a break.


"Hey aren't you going to to volleyball practice with us to see?" The blonde asked.

"Nope! I got other things to do and don't worry about it!  my mother is picking me up! But I'll see y'all tomorrow! Bye!" You said waving.

As soon as you got to the school gate you ran towards the address Yamaguchi wrote to you.

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