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Two days have passed by.

Your mother, the volleyball team,Ino, and Noelle were worried.

But most importantly Tsukishima. He barley got sleep. Maybe 4 to 5 hours and that's it. All because he was up thinking of you.

It was morning and a note was left on Tsukishima's desk.

He opened it.

'if you want to see her again then stay away from her and she will be free to go home to her mother. Leave your response on your desk and i will pick it up by tomorrow.'


Tsukishima took out a piece of paper and wrote his answer.


"Hey (Y/n)~ you wanna be free right?" Iku asked.

You looked up at him with your bruised face in sight.

"Yes if course. Why?"

"Look let's make a deal. You and me officially date and you stop talking to Tsukishima. If you can accept to that then you can be free." He said looking at you with a deadly glare.

You sight and nod.

"I agree. I will officially date you and I'll stay away from Tsukishima." You muttered.

He untied you and gave you a kiss on a cheek.

You were about to punch when he grabbed it with his hand.

"Don't even think about punching me. I'll let you off but next time you will regret it. Got that baby~" He cooed.

It disgusted you to the core.

You wanted to die.

You walked out with your backpack and your phone and left.


"(Y/N)! MIHIJA!! TE EXTRAÑE! (DARLING!! I MISSED YOU!!)"Your mother yelled.

She hugged you tight and you hugged her back with a sad smile.

"Porque está tu cara así? (Why is your face like that?)" Your mother asked.

"Bueno me pegaron... Pero estoy bien! Nada más necesario un poco de descanso.(Well they hit me... Put I'm fine! I only need a but of rest)" you spoke.

"Oh I'm glad your okay! Now.i take a bath and you can head to bed." Your mother replied.

You got up and took a bath.

Your body stung a hurt as soon as it made contact with the water. Which was not hot but not cold. Just right.

Your thoughts ran while and imagine any kind of scenario that would make you have to interact with Kei.

Soon enough the water turned cold indicating that you have been in the shower for quite a while.

You stepped out and dried yourself out.

You got dressed and looked at yourself in the mirror.

Your eyes looked dull.


At this point you felt numb. But maybe it was mixed emotions.

You left the bathroom and headed to bed and locked your door.

Tears streamed down your face.

You eyebrows knitted together.

Tears just pouring out. You don't know what to do. It feels like a jail you can never escape from.

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