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She came.

A kinfe in her hand and a belt in the other.

You gritted your teeth.

"Come for your playtime again little girl." You said glaring at her.

She slapped you.

"Don't call me that because this can go worse."She yelled.

"What little girl dose it infuriate you-" a thought leather surface hit you.

You cheek stung and hurt so bad.

"Shut up! Now let's start the fun~"Nakamura smirked.


"Hey guys! Have you seen (n/n)-chan?" The cute tangerine asked.

"No. I haven't seen her at all these 2 days." Yamaguchi replied.

"Well that's were she would usually be here and she hasn't called or texted us. I hope she's okay." Kageyama said.

"Well how about we go and visit her? Maybe she's sick or something." Yamaguchi replied. The three nodded.

Meanwhile Tsukishima was in the corner of the hall eavesdropping.

He was worried to. You'd usually be the first to text him. But you haven't. He has texted you but you never replied. It was making him feel anxious. Ever since he meant you it was like love at first sight.

He had the need to make you smile. To make you feel safe. It was just something he felt out of the random.


"Hey Tsukki do you want to fun join us to see (n/n)-chan?" Yamaguchi asked.

The males just nodded. And mumbled a 'whatever'.

As they walked it was silent.

They only thought of what was wrong with you. Were you sick?Did you try cutting yourself? Did you kill yourself? They tried not to think of the worst but they just couldn't. They were really concerned about you.

"Let's try and think positive okay! Maybe she just is sick!" Hinata said smiling.

They Yamaguchi and Kageyama both nodded with a small smile.

Tsukishima was just internally panicking.

When they arrived they knocked on the door.

No answer.

They opened it and saw it was unlocked. But it was clean. Not much of a mess. But in thing was missing.

Your backpack.

"Um guys here backpack is not here nor her uniform." Yamaguchi said.

"Maybe she is at work let's go" Kageyama said. They remember you told them the place so they went there.


"Hi welcome to Heaven Pizza-"

"Konichiwa!were in a rush but could we speak to your manager?" Kageyama interuppted.

The waiter nodded and the manager came out.

All five went out the restaurant.

"Alright well what is it that you would like to talk about?"

"Has a girl named (l/n) (y/n) been coming here for work?" Tsukishima said.

"No she hasn't it's been awhile since she has come.Why?" The manager asked.

"Well we are here friends and well she hasn't been coming to school and her home is unlocked with some few things missing." Hinata informed.

"Oh my well no she hasn't attended work for a couple of days you. Did she ever mention leaving?" The manager asked.

"No sir she never mentioned anything about leaving." Yamaguchi replied.

"Well this might make you somewhat panic more but maybe someone took her. You should report to the police." The manager said.

They all nodded and bowed.

"Arigato! And sorry for all trouble we have caused." The four boys said in unison.

The went to the police station and reported you missing.

Worry filled Tsukishima. He knew ever since the first day you mentioned your parents had abandoned you he felt that you held so many burdens and your smiles were fake. But they looked genuine.

He thought maybe you couldn't take anymore you tried to kill yourself.

He was just very anxious.

That night he couldn't sleep.


"Are you done?" You asked panting with blood dripping.

Your cheeks red and swollen cuts on your wrist and stomach. Your legs numb from the beating.

"Yes I am finished." She simply said walking away.

Soon 𝘩𝘪𝘴 fun began.


"Alright well we had our fun this week so you can be leg go. But if you say a word your dead got that~" Nakamura said.

You nodded they let you go. You grabbed your backpack and left for home.


Once you arrived you decided to use a cloth to clean up and then took a bath. You injuries stung like hell but after the shower you patched them up. You are the food you had. You put your phone to charge.

You left for the store.

You put on a dark purple hoodie and black leggings. You got your back and left to the store.

You went to the make up section and got what you need to to cover them up.

You headed to the cashier and paid. You were about to head out when you saw Tsukishima walk in. You put you hood on our head and covered looked down and ran away once he was out of view.

You came back home. You went back to your PJ's and went to sleep.

Word Count: 826- no notes


Hey guys so first off thanks for reading an second I want to say sorry if I am go to fast with this story. I am not the best with keeping thing for long so I am very sorry for pacing the story plot.

Anyways thx for understanding and I'll see ya soon!

Love you so much Kings and Queens!


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