1☽︎|Fresh start|☾︎

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It has been a year.

A year since your grandma had died.

And while that was important some else was.

It was your first day at Kurasuno high.

You were happily hearing music on the phone you had while eating breakfast.

For the past year you had been working at a pastry shop. The manger there was really nice and acted like a mother. She gave you a bit more money and you decided that in return you did extra work.

Anyways you finished breakfast brushed your teeth, got your stuff,locked the door and left to school.


You were walking in the hallway looking for your classroom. You were distracted looking at the class room labels that you bumped into somebody.

"Oops sorry please forgive me!" You said bowing.

"Whatever just be careful you shrimp." The voice said.

You looked up and saw a tall blonde male with glasses and a smaller male with dark green hair and freckles that made him look adorable.

You got a bit angry and then out of the sudden a idea popped in your head. A malicious smile spread your face.

You went up to him.

"Sorry what was that beanpole ? I can't seem to hear you.But is there a chance you have a talking harp I could have up there. Or are you a Titan hungry for human blood?" You asked teasingly.

The blonde had his eyes widen and then became a a angry face.

He walked past you making a 'tch' sound.

You giggled and left to find your classroom.


The bell had rung and you were settled in your desk.

"Alright students welcome to Kurasuno High! I'm your teacher Mrs.Yamanaka  glad to have you all here in my classroom!" The teacher said with a bright smile on her face.

"For today let's just introduce ourselves and get to know our rules." The teacher said.

In order everyone introduced themselves then it was your turn.

You walked towards the front of the classroom.

"Hi my name is (l/n) (Y/n) I'm 15 years old and my favorite colors are (f/c)!" You spoke with a smile.

"Oh (l/n) what about your parents or guardians?" Your teacher said.

You walked towards the teacher and whispered in her ear "Mrs.Yamanaka I don't have any parents not guardians. Please don't tell anyone else please!" You begged.

The teacher nodded and told you to sit down.

"Alright next!" She said.

The same green haired boy stood up and walked up to the room.

"Hi I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi I'm 16"

Then Yamaguchi left and the blonde stood up.

"I'm Tsukishima Kei and I'm 16 I have a older brother."

'so that's his name'

You though as your eyes followed him to his seat and then you looked back to the teacher.


It was lunch time and you went up to the roof top. You were sitting there peacefully when you heard your name.

Koi No Yokan [Kei TsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now