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There he was standing there looking at you with a blank stare.

"What are you doing here Tsukishima?" You asked again with a hint of anger.

"There is something I want to talk about." He replied.

"No there is nothing to talk about to. Now I suggest you go to school Tsukishima. Bye." You said walking past him.

He grabbed you wrist but you pulled away. It hurt him. You were walking away from him.

But it hurt you. You felt that tight squeeze but brushed it off.


"Morning Yams!" You said cheerly.

"Morning (n/n)! How are you!"He replied.

"I'm doing great!"

"So your talking to him but not me? Do you hate me or something?" A voice asked.

You turned around and saw the tall blonde male.

You turned around in an anger face.

He went past you and left a note in you desk.

You sneakly took and put in your backpack.


It has been a week.

And Tsukishima has been trying to get your attention.

You were getting irritated at this point so you decided to listen to him.

It was morning and the teacher wasn't there yet.

You walked towards the blonde.

"I'll be at the gates if you wanna talk." You said and then headed to your desk.


His heart raced.

His heart raced in the fact that you had ignored him for the entire week he had tried to apologize.

But as soon as you said you would hear him out his heart beated faster.

He was finally going to hear you voice again. Your teasing. You were going to be be part of his everyday life again. And he was at peace with that.


He was walking towards the gates with his heart racing.

You were there looking at the sky.

"Hey" He said.

"Hey so what did you wanna say. And hurry up before I change my mind." You said looking away.



"I said I'm sorry. I should've believed you instead of her. I don't know why I believed her but i just did. So.....sorry." he said walking away.

"Hey!hey! Aren't you supposed to go to your volleyball practice 𝘛𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘯?" You said while having a genuine smile on your face.


"I forgive you ,you dummy. But you should go to volleyball practice!" You spoke.

"Sorry can't hear you up hear speaker up!" He said raising his voice with a smirk on his face.

"Hahaha good old slaty man is back! Anyways see ya tomorrow." You replied walking away.

He was glad to have you back.

Koi No Yokan [Kei TsukishimaWhere stories live. Discover now