Chapter Thirty Seven: A Thousand People Hurting

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helloooo (: one down, four to go! ignore weird mistakes and enjoy the chapter xx

dedicated to andrea for such a lovely cover! it's a total representation of jessica and i love it so much <3 x

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Chapter Thirty Seven: A Thousand People Hurting

Heavy rain was the only thing filling the silence of my second period. I sat with my head resting against my fist, staring at the small window that looked outside. My chest tightened at the thought of the thunderstorm, but the sense of betrayal hit me full force, blinding me of the feeling.

I was in no mood for conversations. After leaving Jessica in the alleyway, I practically blew up at Mark and Rebecca at dinner, so much that they sent Chris to eat dinner in his room. Rebecca looked really gutted that I was pissed at Jessica.

"I really don't see the problem in Jessica coming to meet your father. Just because you refuse to see him doesn't mean she's forbidden to," Mark had said last night, which was a bad move considering my fuming state.

I shook my head at him."You don't get it. If Jessica was even the slightest bit supportive of my decision not to meet him and how I felt about him, then she wouldn't have gone," I snapped to him in reply. "She didn't even bother to fucking tell me!"

He'd only raised an eyebrow at me, unperturbed by my yelling. "Seems to me you didn't give her much time to tell you. You were avoiding her for a pretty long time and went off on her the moment you saw her again."

It was true, but still. That didn't change the fact that she voluntarily went to see him knowing how I felt about him. She may be in the dark about my past, but I would think she could guess the extent of all the shit I went through because of him.

So when I walked into third period, the period I shared with Jessica and usually sat next to, I went to the goddamn front of the room and sat there instead. The front of the room. That's how pissed and betrayed I felt right now that I was willing to choose a seat in front of the teacher.

The guy who normally sat there looked annoyed when he saw me in his seat and I pinned him with my most withering stare. He walked away with a pale face and sat next to Jessica, who looked up at me with puffy eyes.

The grip on my pencil tightened.

I forced myself to look away.

It was then that I notice Mr. Wallace's eyes on me. "Reece?" he queried. The class had gone silent, and I wanted to snap at them.

"Yes, sir?"

He gestured to the back of the room. "I believe your original seat is next to Miss. Andrews. Please return to where you were assigned."

"I can't see the board," I said gruffly, which was total bullshit. I could see just fine.

He didn't look convinced. "So you haven't been able to see the board for the last six months?" he asked with a drawl.

I nodded. "That's right."

Mr. Wallace sighed and said with a more stern voice, "Mr. Bremer, I don't care if there's trouble in paradise, so please go back and sit where you are supposed to. I know you can see perfectly fine."

With the class erupting in ooo's and laughter, I got up with a scowl and switched spots. Trust the teacher to be in the know with who's in relationships and what's going on. Jessica was hiding behind a curtain of her blonde hair, but I saw the tinge of red on her cheeks when she shifted to grab the pencil that had fell between our chairs.

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