Chapter Ten: A Thousand Revelations

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Thank you to those who went on my friend's profile to leave her an encouraging message in her time of need. Suicide is a serious thing and I want you all to know that: You are worth it. You are not alone, you never are. You may think that nobody cares about you, but sending a message to my followers about supporting my friend and having a lot of you guys post on her message board, even though you don't know her, proves that there are people who care and can relate to your problems. I care, we all care. What's 2, 3, 4, 5 years of hell going to compare to the next 30 of what you can make of it? You go out there and throw them middle fingers to the haters bc they are nothing to you years from now. 


Dedicated to A, bc I love you. I'm glad I was able to help you open your eyes and make you see that you're not alone. You never were in the first place. Be ready to be hugged so tight when I see you.


Now that that's over, shout out to prabhleen3224 for the amazing banner to the side. The song to the side is "safe with me" by sam smith, a fan suggested that song and it was very fitting :) ignore weird mistakes and typos, enjoy :)

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Chapter Ten: A Thousand Revelations

I don’t know what to think anymore. Running the fraying, yellow towel through my hair, I leaned close to the mirror and stared at my reflection. I currently stood in a small bathroom inside of Jessica’s house. The rain showed no mercy and had me leaving a trail of droplets as I trudged myself across the hardwood floor and to the bathroom to dry off.


Ten girls.


Ten little girls were sitting on the steps like they were awaiting our arrival. An old lady almost made me crap my pants when I didn’t see her standing near the door. Her ghostly blue eyes made you feel as if they were looking right through you. They did, however, cloud with worry when she saw a limp Jessica in my arms.


I can tell you one thing, and that was that the little girls were definitely not expecting me to walk through the door, especially with Jessica knocked out. A few of them crowded Kristy and Charlotte, but they all stared at me with wide eyes. They treated me the way someone would act when they’re trying to get away from a bear or lion who are just seconds away from mauling you to your death. They stood up slowly and stayed completely still, staring at me with wide eyes.


After I placed Jessica on the couch, the old lady, Sylvia, kindly told me where the bathroom was located and told me to dry myself off with a spare towel. I’ve standing in here for almost forty five minutes because I didn’t know what else I was suppose to do.


Ten girls? Jessica had eleven sisters, if including the blonde girl, and an old lady as their guardian? It doesn’t make sense. This isn’t my concern right now, though. No, my concern is the asshats who caused Jessica to go unconscious at the top of a god damn building during a freaking thunderstorm. Who the hell do they think they are?


My fingers clenched tightly around the fabric in my hands. What I did wasn’t enough. I should’ve thrown them off the building, or at least make them unconscious so they could get hypothermia or something. That one guy, though. He was let off too easily. I bet he was just a part of Jessica’s tormenting as the other two. But Charlotte and Kristy seemed to know him. Even before I could properly land a punch on that guy, the girls were shouting at me to stop. Why? I don’t know. I just wished I did something rather than letting him disappear without a scratch.

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