Chapter Fourteen: A Thousand Bad Memories

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Happy summer, everyone! Or, those who are on summer. Those who aren't, you're almost there! Dedicated to @x_originalhybrid_x for the adorable fanart of Reece and Jessica to the side <3 I love it so much. I also love the song to the side and it kind of reminds me of Reece. Ignore weird mistakes and typos as usual, enjoy :) x

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Chapter Fourteen: A Thousand Bad Memories

"Pick up that pretty little ass of yours, sunshine! You're dragging behind," I called out loudly as I leisurely walked down the crowded sidewalk. Even with the honking and the yelling and the noises of New York, I can still hear her huff of air from behind me as Jessica picked up her pace until she was speed walking by my side.

"Why are you walking so fast?" she groaned, pulling at my arm so that I slowed a bit.

"We've got to get home before it starts raining. Don't want to get all wet, now do you?"

It turns out that Jessica is serious about continuing her studying with me. After Charlotte and Kyle decided to work on their performance for the showcase, Jessica suggested having another study session. This might be her way of making up for yesterday, when I snapped at her for pushing me past what I could handle. But even though I went off on her, I didn't want her to still feel guilty. She didn't know how hard this was for me, so she didn't know how far to push.

Jessica shivered as a gust of wind pushed against our backs. She pulled her coat tighter around herself and, this time, started rushing ahead of me. "Hurry up!" she shouted and started running. I, however, stopped and waited until she noticed that I wasn't behind her. An amused smirk was playing on my face as I saw her turn around from afar, realizing that I had stopped a while ago. Even from a distance, I could see the annoyance.

"Jerk," she muttered as she pushed me aside and went inside the building.

"Hey." I raised my hands defensively. "You're the one who rushed ahead without knowing where you were going."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

We entered the elevator and took the short ride up to my floor. I swung my keyring around my finger as we walked down the corridor, unlocking the door to my apartment and letting Jessica go in first. Conversation could be heard from Mark and Rebecca's bedroom; my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Nobody should be home right now.

"I thought you said nobody would be home for a while?" Jessica looked at me with wide eyes, as if her coming over to help me not fail at school was a crime that would get her told off by my guardians.

"Relax, sunshine," I said slowly. "They only bite if you were to sexually harass me." Leaving her to glare at my backside, I called out, "Hello? Rebecca, that you?"

Mark popped his head around the corner of the doorway, surprise lighting his eyes as he looked between Jessica and me. "Hey, Reece. Who's your friend?"

I can hear Rebecca echo in a shocked tone, "Friend?" The sound of heels clicking on the hardwood floor followed before she stepped into view, looking just as shocked as she sounded. "Oh, hello, Jessica."

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