Chapter Twenty Seven: A Thousand People to Trust and Distrust

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yay for updates <3 song to the side is lemonade by jeremy passion. give it a listen as it very much does fit reece's feelings for jessica. ignore weird mistakes and typos, enjoy the chapter!

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She hides behind the sun,
He hides behind the gray clouds,
She is like an illusion,
He is like a nightmare you wish you never had.
When the coincidence hits,
And the sun and the clouds collide,
Both their masks come peeling off,
Their lonely eyes meet.
Narrating their sad stories,
And just like silver and gold,
Their fading scars glow,
Illuminating their broken souls.


thank you for the beautiful poem xx

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Chapter Twenty Seven: A Thousand People to Trust and Distrust


Jessica and I stayed in a heated lip-lock for some time, long enough that I was becoming quickly aroused as the urge to lower her to the floor and lie on top of her without breaking away became intense. But then, somewhere in my all-thing-Jessica infested mind, I realized how dirty and uncomfortable that would be. Having some kind of chair would be a step up in terms of romantic, which is pretty low but more sanitary.


So after pulling her onto my lap and keeping her there for an extra fifteen minutes, I gave her a kiss on the forehead goodnight and left the orphanage feeling light and satisfied.


The way I look at Jessica from here on forward is definitely going to be in a whole new light. She’s standing in a spotlight that no girl has ever been the star of. With tonight’s sudden realization on how strong my feelings for Jessica is, I can only confirm that I’m legitimately in this for the long run. I can only hope that Jessica was as crazy for me as I was for her, because I’m definitely in uncharted territories here.


When I returned to the apartment around a quarter to eleven, Rebecca was in the kitchen eating her late dinner. Strands of blonde hair had escaped the hair tie of her loose ponytail. The prominent bags under her half-lidded eyes gave way of her exhaustion. She gave me a tired smile as I walked in.


“Hey, there you are,” she greeted as I leaned down and planted a kiss on her cheek.


“Here I am. Sorry if I worried you or anything, just had a long day with Jessica,” I replied. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and joined her at the table. She took a bite of her salmon, mauling over something in her head as she stared pensively at me.


I stared back at her, confused. “What?” I asked.


“You and Jessica have been going really strong lately,” she mused. “I’ve never seen you so serious with a girl before. Well, besides Livvy, of course.”


My mood soured slightly at the mention of my ex-girlfriend. Another person thrown into the crowd of people I shouldn’t have put my trust into.


“Yeah, well Jessica’s a lot different than the girls I’ve pinned after in the past. Guess it didn’t occur to me that my type is actually sweet, soft, and bubbly.”

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