The Story of Chris and Darcy (SPIN OFF)

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I swear, if I had a dollar for each time someone told me to make a spin-off for Chris and Darcy, I'd be rolling in dollar bills, baby. So, I'm updating this on July 12, 2019 - years and years after I finished writing this story. 

First off, I wanted to thank you a thousand times over if you have reached the end of this story. This story is so special to me for so many different reasons. It means so much to me hearing all about how this story has made you squeal, cry, shout, and feel all the feels.

But the story is not over yet! BECAUSE HOORAY! SPINOFF!


Yes! The story is up right at this very moment! It's called Memory Documentation and here's the summary:

Yes! The story is up right at this very moment! It's called Memory Documentation and here's the summary:

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Darcy Howard and her father return back to their old stomping grounds of New York City. With her, Darcy brings back habits of being reclusive. She is perfectly content spending most of her time within the walls of her father's café and sees nothing wrong with the way she lives her life. But then Christopher Radley makes a reappearance in her life and opens her eyes to a sweeter way of living.

As the year draws to a close and a new one begins, Darcy decides that it's about time she turned over a new leaf and marked this year as the ultimate game changer. And with Chris heartbroken over the breakup with his longterm girlfriend, they decide to take on the new year together.

To remember this momentous year, she and Chris have one goal: to write everything down. But while Darcy knew she was going to document all kinds of ups and downs, this new year had a lot more in store for her than she expected. 

Confession time: there always was going to be a spin off for Chris and Darcy! It was planned even before their first kiss, and it's the reason I got you guys so excited and started building up their relationship in the first place. The more I had those kids in a scene, the more it pushed me to want to play more with the possibilities of continuing the story.

The story will be told out of Darcy's POV. I know some of you guys would like for it to be through Chris's, but I really want to explore Darcy's personality, especially with her past, life in the orphanage, and other things. JESSICA AND REECE WILL BE BACK, of course. Obviously they will appear often, as they play sibling-like roles to both Chris and Darcy. The epilogue gave you an insight into the future and I did drop hints that some of you might have not caught on to. 

Along side MD, here's a rundown of my other works:

When I Sleep (complete) is a more serious romance between a young married couple. A horrid mistake has put a rift between them, and Ellie, the main character, has been finding comfort in her sleep rather than reality. The gist of it is about whether they're able to move on from the past so that they could come together again. It's also a short story and one that I quite enjoy writing, as it really hits you in the feels.

In This Moment is a micropoem book inspired by personal moments in my life, as well as future chapters for Memory Documentation!

Love, Jess is a place where I, as the author, can talk to you guys more intimately through life updates, questions, and soon to come short one-off stories. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for coming on this journey with me. I absolutely adore Chris and Darcy, and I hope you guys will love their story just as much as you loved Reece and Jessica's :)

See you there!

See you there!

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