Chapter Four: A Thousand Suspicions

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ignore weird mistakes and typos as usual, enjoy :) x

thank you to zoe for the super cute cover at the top <3 

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Chapter Four: A Thousand Suspicions

The sooner, the better is my day's motto. There was now an unspoken agreement that everybody would be meeting at my apartment to work on this assignment. But, of course, I had no say in the matter. It was more of a 'it's happening, deal with it' type of situation. Normally, I would've put up an argument, but we might as well just get it done while we can. There's honestly no use in putting it off while just finishing the assignment as soon as possible could set me free.

And by free, I mean of Jessica's company.

That company just happened to double during lunch when Jessica and Charlotte decided to have lunch with us. Again.

So far this week, the total has bumped up to three whole days, and I've only known Jessica for four. It's like a miracle to our fellow classmates, really. There hasn't been many people who are caught sitting with Kyle and me during lunch – let alone talking. Even though Kyle is the less intimidating out of the two of us, most people don't have the guts nor the balls to strike up a conversation with him.  I think it's pretty solid evidence in showing that my school is filled with a bunch of pussies.

"Hello, boys, Charlotte greeted as she dropped her stuff down on the table, Jessica following silently behind her. I let out a deep sigh and began picking at my tater tots.

"You know, the more you eat with us, the more people will think you're under a threat statement," Kyle said to them through a mouth full of his spicy chicken sandwich. "Oh, and the chance of you getting slaughtered by an annoyed Reece is growing with each passing minute."

I caught sight of the twitch on the corner of Jessica's mouth. Clearly, she found my annoyance amusing. My eyes narrowed at her, and she returned my look with an innocent smile.

"If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that you didn't like us," Charlotte said to me.

"You don't say?" I drawled sarcastically. "Whatever would give you that idea?"

"Guess I must have read it wrong." She sounded and looked so serious with her expressionless face that I might have believed she was more a dumb blonde than a bubbly brunette, if not for the ghost of a smirk playing on her face. While the death threat sounded completely stupid, you'd have to be even more idiotic to believe that I enjoyed their company, even in the slightest.

"Jess, where's your food?" Charlotte asked, her eyes locked on the empty spot on the table in front of Jessica. The table's attention switched to the blonde looking at the screen of her camera, fingers frozen against the buttons at Charlotte's question. Even I noticed Jessica's lack of eating. I may not be some sort of high and mighty doctor, but I'm almost positive that a growing teenager needs to eat. Jessica doesn't seem like the kind of girl that refuses a meal just to watch her weight. Maybe I had it wrong about her.

Jessica peered at us from under her eyelashes. "Umm . . . Non-existent?" she answered timidly.

Disapproval crossed Charlotte's features. "And what did you eat for breakfast?" she continued.

No response.

Charlotte groaned and let her hands fall onto the palms of her hand. "Jessica!" she scolded.

"I'm sorry!" Jessica exasperated, letting her camera dangle on her neck once again.

"We've talked about this. You. Need. To. Eat."

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