Chapter Thirty Three: A Thousand Moments to Remember

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ooo, i need to sleep x)  i think several of us know the song to the right and might agree with the lyrics so give that a listen. very fitting song ;) ignore weird mistakes and typos, this was edited quickly, enjoy xx

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Chapter Thirty Three: A Thousand Moments to Remember


The remaining three days here in California were better than the first three by a long shot. Nick, after giving me unexpected advice and practically telling me to get my head out of my ass, tolerated my presence and even attempted to spend more hours out of his hermit lifestyle. Filled with amusement parks and trips to the beach (also a game night that I reluctantly joined this time), the time flew and it was almost time to hop onto a plane and head back to freezing New York.


I entered my temporary room with a small bag of souvenirs to put in my suitcase when Gwen walked into my room. She smiled widely and I returned it lightly.


Gwen reminded me of Jessica in a way. She's always been sweet and kind to me, being the grandma I've never known or had. I couldn't help but be amused when Nick had been hardheaded about going out with us to dinner and Gwen had went off like a spark, not holding back some rude language despite having innocent ears in the room.


I'd done exactly what Nick said for me to do and asked her about the possibility of his bad boy ways. All I received was a small smile overshadowed by the particular glint in her eyes. It was the only answer I could've needed, though I would've loved to hear in detail about what "rebellious teenage" antics Nick pulled when he was my age.


"Are you packed?" Gwen asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed. She held a small, tin box in her hand.


I raised the plastic bag. "Just about."




I raised a brow. "To go home?" I asked. "I guess I am. It's been pretty awesome to be here in California, but I'm ready to head back."


She watched me intently for a moment, and then her mouth tipped upwards. "To Jessica?" Her voice held enough tease to make me roll my eyes. I nodded nonetheless and she smiled wider. "I actually want you to give her this,"  Gwen said softly and held out the small box to me.


"What is it?" I asked warily as I took it from her hands.


She spoke excitedly and watched as I pulled the lid off. It was a simple leather bracelet with the words capture life's moments engraved on the silver plate.


"I could've sworn you were eyeing this in that little shop we were in the other day. Rebecca mentioned that your girlfriend had a thing for pictures and now I know why you were drawn to this."


On a typical year, I procrastinate my Christmas shopping until literally a couple days before Christmas. There wasn't that many people to buy gifts for other than Kyle and the Radleys, but now I've got Jessica and Charlotte to add to the list – and maybe a little something for the kids at the orphanage. All the guys were dragged into a cutesy looking shop that caught Rebecca and Gwen's interest and I'd come across the bracelet when Chris and I wandered about the area. I thought it was fitting for Jessica but damn it was pricey for a simple bracelet.

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