Chapter Twelve: A Thousand Different Ways to Get Revenge

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Dedicated to Lamia bc she's such a great friend and i love her to the moon and back (: Ignore typos and weird mistakes, enjoy! 

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Chapter Twelve: A Thousand Different Ways to Get Revenge

“Reece, come up with me."


“Why do I have to?” I groaned, dropping the sugar packet I was playing with.


We all decided to go out for coffee after the last bell. Mr. H never tracked down Jessica to confront her for lying, which left us off the hook. Maybe there really is rats hiding in his classroom and we all did him a favor. That, or Mr. H was a part of those teachers who easily falls for Jessica’s charms.


“Because,” Jessica said simply. Without so much as a warning, her hand wrapped tightly around my wrist and I was jerked out of my seat and towards the cashier line.


I pulled my arm back roughly. “What the fu–”


“Can I ask you something?” Jessica cut me off in a hushed tone.


I took my place behind a person that was talking rapidly into her phone. “I guess.”


She glanced at our table where Kyle and Charlotte were busy keeping up a conversation. “Do you trust Kyle?” she asked.


“Of course I do,” I answered easily. Kyle’s the most trustworthy guy I know. If I were to ever plan a mass murder against the school or something that had to do with my annoyance against humanity, he would be the first person I would tell. Now, it’s not like I’m planning to do that, and I’m pretty sure Kyle would lock me in the bathroom to prevent any reckless decisions . . . Point is, I trust Kyle to keep any secret.


Jessica licked her lips nervously and drew out a long breath. She gripped the straps of her camera tightly as she so often does when anxiety attempts to screw her over.


“You okay?”


“I want to tell him, Reece,” Jessica said quietly.


My eyebrows rose up. “What? Why?”


“I don’t want Kyle to be the only one that’s out of the loop here. You know about it, Charlotte knows about it. Seems right if he knows about it, too.”


I guess it would be easier if Kyle was caught up in things. It’d make related situations much less complicated if we had to lie about what was going on. Plus, then I would have someone to recruit when ass-kicking is needed.


“If you’re sure, then I say go for it.” I nodded.


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