Chapter Two: A Thousand Abrupt Arguments

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this is dedicated to @BlackBerryBliss for the amazing trailer that she made! i absolutely love it and have watched it quite a few times <3 check it out and give her some love! ignore typos and weird mistakes. Enjoy the chapter :) xx

There was a gloomy overcast above the buildings of New York as I sat outside the school's main front steps

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There was a gloomy overcast above the buildings of New York as I sat outside the school's main front steps. Rebecca and Mark were at work, and Chris was at a late tutoring lesson. I didn't really feel like sitting in an empty apartment alone, so here I was. But I guess some alone time was too much to ask for.

"Hi, Reece."

My head rolled in the direction of the cheerful voice. It's only been one day, but I feel like I'd recognize Jessica's voice no matter what state of mind I was in.

I grunted in response to her greeting, not bothering to look up at her.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked. Before I could say the one word that would've saved me from a talkative evening, Jessica had already plopped herself a step below me. I puffed out a breath.

"So what are you doing here? It's pretty late." Jessica gestured to the flicking on of the building lights.

"I could ask the same of you, sunshine."

Her eyebrows rose at the nickname, but made no comment other than challenging me with a "Well, I asked you first."

I countered with, "Well, I asked you second."

Jessica pressed her lips into a thin line. Dare I say that annoyance – an actual emotion that wasn't just a synonym to happy – was beginning to show on her face?

"I was doing my homework in the library. Your turn," she replied dryly.

I leaned my elbows back on the stairs. "Didn't want to head home. It's quiet and lonely with everyone out."

Jessica looked down at the camera sitting on her lap and began fiddling with the knobs and buttons. "It's always loud at my place," she said softly. A frown was etched to where that wide smile was supposed to be, and I couldn't help but raise a questioning eyebrow. At my expression, the frown was wiped clean, instead replaced with her usual smile. This time, looking a bit forced.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "What's with your weird sudden mood swings?" I asked her.

"What? I don't have mood swings." she denied, looking taken aback.

"Oh, I get it," I said, leaning back on my elbows. "You're on."

She blinked. "Excuse me?"

"No need to deny it. It's your monthly gift you have to blame."

Jessica's mouth dropped open. "W-What? I'm not –"

"No need to be embarrassed."

"Reece, I'm not –"

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