Chapter Fifteen: A Thousand Birds Leaving the Nest

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Just to clarify the confusion, Jessica did meet Rebecca and Chris before last chapter and I had gotten that confused with how she didn't meet Mark. That being said, there were slight changes to the previous chapter, but you do not need to go back and re-read it. 

Dedicated to Megha, for she made me three lovely banners and one is on the side :) Ignore weird mistakes and typos, enjoy! x

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Chapter Fifteen: A Thousand Birds Leaving the Nest


I couldn’t believe this.


Jessica tapped her pencil against the wood of our table in a rapid pulse. A pop quiz sat in front of her, yet her squinted eyes remained on the top of Mr. Wallace’s hairless head. Just a few minutes ago, Jessica was caught texting on her phone before the test was handed out, and Mr. Wallace had given her no leeway in taking her phone and stashing it in his desk drawer.


I don’t know whether I should feel sorry feel sorry or utterly amazed that he didn’t treat Jessica like the charming teacher’s pet that she is. He did, however, seem in quite a pissy mood this morning, which might explain why he took Jessica’s phone with no warning in the first place. The fact that he said she couldn’t have it back until the end of the day had ticked her off. I found it hard to believe that Jessica was that attached to her phone, so much that she was having actual withdrawals.


I kicked Jessica under the table. She barely shot me an irritated glance before returning her staredown with Mr. Wallace’s bald head. Rolling my eyes, I nudged her again.


“What?” she hissed quietly. I gave her a look of my own and nodded down to her test. Jessica breathed deeply through her mouth and reluctantly picked up her pencil to catch up on lost time.  I watched her read the words impatiently. With her focus now on the papers in front of her, she missed the smirk of amusement passing on my face. It was cute to see her riled up this way. It was like watching a puppy get frustrated when it couldn’t catch a spot of light or something.


The look on her face when she pushed herself back from the table with her test in hand said that she really didn’t give a damn. No doubt she bullshitted it halfway. She sat back down with a huff and wrapped her fingers around her camera, turning it on so she could scroll through the recent pictures. There was no hiding my amusement this time, and when she looked over to see me watching her, she looked thoroughly grumpy.




“Nothing, Jessica. It’s just I don’t think you’re much of a sunshine right now, are you?”


She huffed again and sat back in her chair. “I can’t believe he took my phone,” she grumbled. Her eyes narrowed again as our teacher stood up and allowed us to talk for the remaining part of class. “I was texting Kristy. It was important, too.”


“And what’s that?”


Jessica looked at me, then glanced around. Standing up, she perched herself on the edge of our table and gestured for me to come closer. I got up with a lazy sigh. She leaned close and lowered her voice as she spoke.

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