Epilogue: A Thousand Continuing Journeys

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  • Dedicated to to you, my lovelies <3

the epilogue has finally comee!!! thank you to everyone who made it this far into the story, i love you guys so much <3 this is the end for a thousand words . . . but is this the last you'll see of the character? read to the very end, lovelies, and enjoy ;) xx

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Epilogue: A Thousand Continuing Journeys

"Shit, shit, shit."

In my frantic rush to get home, I nearly crushed an old woman as I burst through the doors of my apartment building. Her glare shifted from startled to anger in a second. I easily ignored her heated glare as I briskly made my way to the elevator.

My nerves were still buzzing from the sudden phone call I received during my work day. I was smack in the middle of a meeting when I felt the constant vibrations through my jacket pocket.

The news tipped my world right over and ruined the good mood in which  I started my day. I guess we all had those days, didn't we? And to think I left this apartment with an actual smile on my face thanks to a certain lovely blonde that I managed to hold onto ten years down the road. Now I was rushing home to her, knowing that she was wearing anything but a smile on her face right now.

Mixed with my intense impatience for the slowest moving elevator and sadness that I had no time to comprehend, I let out another string of curses and was rewarded with a sharp scolding from the same old lady I almost trampled coming in here.

Typical old lady reactions. I swear, you would think people would be more discreet in their judgments. But then again, I wasn't one to keep it to myself, even if it's been ten years since I graduated high school. There was still a lot of bluntness that stayed with me as I transitioned into adult life.

"Oh, fuck it," I muttered, shaking my head as a whole minute passed, and I saw no signs of the elevator appearing in the next year. Holding back a smirk as the lady became riled up at my choice of words, I said, "Sorry about it, ma'am. Gotta get home to my girl, that's all."

Yeah, that certainly softened her up.

I ended up taking the stairs, going up two steps at a time until I burst through the stairwell door on floor five. I was all ready to encounter a crying Jessica Andrews and envelop her in my arms as I entered my apartment, but instead was stopped cold in my tracks as I saw the kitchen. This kitchen could've been wiped by a gloved finger and it would've came off clean five hours ago. As much of an exaggeration as that sounded, this place was spotless before I left for work. With the guilty culprit sitting at the dinner table, I closed my eyes with a sigh.

"Why does my kitchen look like a milkshake blew up in here?"

"Umm . . ."

The sight of what looked like batter spilled over the place made me want to curse someone's ear off. I bit back as I carefully maneuvered over to the little girl sitting at the table. I bent down until I was eye level with little Camryn Rose Radley.

I could've sworn that there was something different about Rebecca when I came to visit during spring break one time. The summer after my first year at college, Rebecca announced that she and Mark were having another baby. Camryn's birth was a momentous day for the Radleys, as it should be. With my close ties to the family, I was named as her godfather and official future babysitter. Jessica in turn became the one to babysit Camryn most of the time as I worked during the day. She adored the little girl as she did the ones at the orphanage. Camryn was just as hilarious and adorable as Chris was when he was eight years old.

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