Chapter Thirty: A Thousand Impromptu Vacation Trips

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Huh, new record. An update at 2 am – the opportunities of winter break haha. woahhh thirty chapters into the story, too, guys! phew i'm sleepy.  this most likely will be the last update before christmas so ignore weird mistakes and enjoy the chapter :) xx

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Chapter Thirty: A Thousand Impromptu Vacation Trips




I growled to myself as I threw down a crumpled shirt into my suitcase. "What now?" I shouted back to Chris through the wall that separated our bedrooms.


"My beyblade arena won't fit in my luggage!"


"Don't bring it then!"


"But I need to!"


Fucking hell.


I've heard that being spontaneous makes the best memories. But right now, as I pack for a spontaneous vacation trip that means traveling all the way to the west coast to visit Rebecca's snobby parents, being spontaneous kinda sucks. You would think that Rebecca would give us an early heads up about missing the last couple days of school before winter break to go to California.


Nope, think again. Five days was all Chris and I had to wrap our heads around it.


I guess it's not all that bad since we get an early ticket out from hell, not to mention an opportunity to get our freezing ass from New York to sunny California. I didn't, however, like the fact that I had to meet Rebecca's parents.


I've met them once before, back when I was fifteen and had reached my peak of irresponsible and rude behavior. Nick, Rebecca's dad, was clearly not impressed by my attitude and was fuming by the time he left for the airport to go home. He didn't exactly approve of Rebecca's taking me in either. In his mind, I was extra baggage that was weighing his daughter down.


It's been a while since I've seen his wrinkly face. Nick was a real ass about Rebecca's decision to keep me around and, therefore, would rather he avoid us like the plague because he doesn't approve of what his daughter is doing with her life. Obviously he'd rather have her shackled to their fancy California home and taking part of his big shot corporation, rather than living in New York City and working as waitress, married to a middle school teacher, and sharing her roof with some troublesome teenager like me.


I think I have some damn good reasons as to why I'm not very thrilled to see his wrinkly face again.


Nevertheless, our flight leaves tonight. Chris and I had stayed home from school to pack last minute things or, in my case, actually pack since I've procrastinated it to the very last possible minute. Jessica was swinging by later to say her goodbyes.


The photos from her advent calendars have been the highlight of my December nights; I knew that it was an essential to bring to California. I'd reveal a photo every night before bed, and my love for her grew with every photo and note.

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