Thank You

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Aw well, hey! It's been a while since the completion of this story, huh? I, first of all, wanted to thank you if you've made it this far and read all of Reece and Jessica's story. The support and love I've received is something I definitely did not expect. I mean, I won a Watty.  Anyone I replied to who said good luck will know that I absolutely did not think I would win, so thank you so much. I'll never be able to express how grateful I am to have such hilarious and sweet readers - you make me smile loads.

Also, If you haven't had enough of Darcy, Chris, Richard, Sylvia, Jessica & Reece – their story continues in the spin off, Memory Documentation! The updates have been rolling with that now and that's located on my profile! Hope y'all enjoy :)

i love you to the moon and back,

jesse xx

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