Chapter Three: A Thousand Assignments

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hi again <3  dedicated to anna for this beautiful cover! ignore typos and weird mistakes, enjoy xx

	When I said I'd consider spending more time around Jessica, I really didn't need the universe to fuck with me and force my hand

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When I said I'd consider spending more time around Jessica, I really didn't need the universe to fuck with me and force my hand. It really had to pair me with the two most annoying girls in my fourth period.

"The assignment will be due next week. Not much time will be provided during class to complete this, so I suggest that you make plans to meet up with your group outside of school."

Our beloved teacher's reward for choosing our groups was a shit-ton of groans and complaints. Luck had a funny way of getting sunshine and her bubbly associate in the same group together. Unlucky for me, I'm not sure why our teacher thought that adding me to their group would be anything less than disastrous. My eyes nearly rolled into my skull as Charlotte and Jessica took their seat in front of me, both with smiles on their face.


"Hey, Reece," Jessica greeted with a tone completely opposite to what she was using yesterday to spit insults at someone who could easily break her pretty little neck. Not like I would do that, though.

"Sunshine." I nodded to Charlotte. "Bubbles."

While Jessica twitched at the mention of her given nickname, Charlotte let out a snort. "Girly nicknames, don't you think?"

"Girly names for girly girls."

"Not going to deny that."

I huffed. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner I can keep my damn distance from these girls. Just because I had some admiration for Jessica didn't mean the annoyance I had wasn't there. The objective right now was to do the work, then scram. This sounded simple enough, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be.

"This'll be fun, right? We'll have the chance to get to know each other better." Charlotte let out a gasp, then leaned forward in anticipation. "How about a movie night after we finish working on the project?"

"How about no," I deadpanned.

"But it'd be so much fun," Charlotte whined. "We can go to the store and get snacks and then –"

Kill me. "Okay!" I interjected loudly, throwing my hands up in a halt position. "None of –" I gestured towards them "– that. We are just going to do the fucking project, and that's it. Got it?"

"Rude," Charlotte mumbled as Jessica coughed out a not so inconspicuous, "Jerk."

Those names were nothing new, so I ignored the common insults and picked up my pencil, eager to get started so we could lessen the load we had to do later. "So where should we start the pro –"

"Mr. Burke," boomed our teacher suddenly, "glad you decided to join us today."

At the familiar last name leaving Mrs. Rolland's over-glossed lips, I snapped my head towards the door. With a cheeky smile, Kyle began sauntering his way towards the front of the class. He nodded his head at me before turning to Ms Rolland.

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