Chapter Thirty One: A Thousand Miles Away

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3 am updates – winter break status lol. dedicated to the oh-so lovely ninyatippet bc i've been so engrossed in her books lately, if you haven't read TMMM, TROFIL, or ATC then you are seriously missing out. go check her out xx

ignore weird mistakes and enjoy the chapter ;) 

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what is this love

consuming me

it's like a glove

that fits so perfectly

Don't Let Me Fall by kitkatcat146 who made another beautiful song inspired by this story, this time by jessica's backstory. give it a listen and share the love x

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Chapter Thirty One: A Thousand Miles Away

One can only stay so long inside an airplane bathroom before people start to realize that you're not experiencing severe airplane sickness or diarrhea. By the time I opened the door and was roughly towed to my seat by a red faced, bulky flight attendant that could easily be mistaken as the security dude that snaps you into immediate obedience, I had some what calmed down. Enough to, at least, give the best silent treatment of the century as I ignored Rebecca for hours. I was still tight-lipped when the cab dropped us off at a swanky house just a couple miles away from the beach.

Despite my silent seething state at Rebecca's accusations, I couldn't help but be impressed by the sight in front of me. It was a large, modern two story house with more windows than there were walls. Since it was early in the evening, spotted lights on the floor illuminated the pathway to the house – or, more importantly, the two figures standing in front of the wide doorway.

One of them began to bound down the stairs, their arms opening wide as she walked briskly towards us. "My darling girl is home!" squealed the voice of who I assumed was Rebecca's mother.

She was a short, slightly stout woman with light hair cut down to her frame her face. From what I could remember of her, she'd been pretty decent to me when she met me. Although her husband isn't too happy about the life his daughter is living, practically taking in the stray pet that was left abandoned with my mom's death, she didn't oppose of the idea.

Rebecca dropped her bags to the floor and embraced her heartily. "Hello, Mom. It's so great to see you again."

"Oh, and Chris look how much you've grown," the lady continued to gush as she placed a smacking kiss on Chris' cheek. I rolled my eyes at the generic saying before Rebecca caught my gaze, the guilt still prominent in her eyes.

She'd tried many, many, times to talk to me, but I had promptly stuffed my earphones into my ears and drowned out her words in music. Mark had wordlessly gestured for me to switch seats with him, which I gladly did with no hesitation, and he probably had a word with her as I replaced his job of steadying Chris' head on my arm as he slept.

"Reece." I blinked as the lady, whose name is still coming up as a blank in my mind, called out to me. She held no trace of disgust that I expected from the man who was slowly approaching us. "It's nice to see you again, as well."

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