Chapter Twenty Five: A Thousand New Traditions

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oh gosh i need to sleep xD this chapter is really late and quickly edited, ignore weird typos and mistakes, enjoy xx

dedicated to carol for the absolutely gorgeous cover to the side :) 

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Chapter Twenty Five: A Thousand New Traditions


I shifted in my sleep as I came to terms with the constant chiming sounds that actually weren’t a part of my dreams like I thought. Normally, the sound of Chris’ cartoons playing on the living room’s TV would be muffled through my closed door.


Though the chiming sounds paused as I stirred, the quiet preppy music continued as I rolled onto my side with a huge breath. It took a moment of blinking before my eyes could fully open.


Entering my blurry line of vision was a pair of turquoise eyes.


I breathed out once more, reaching out for her waist and pulling her to me. Jessica had a small smile on her face as she waited for me to fully awaken.


“Morning,” she greeted sweetly, running a hand through my hair. The music ceased as she picked up my phone and turned it off.


“Mornin’, sunshine,” I replied huskily, rubbing my eyes. My hand fell back down to her waist, and I looked at her questioningly as I asked accusingly, “What were you doing on my phone?”


She laughed, clearly not guiltily, and turned her back to me as she grabbed the device back in her hands “Playing a game.”


“Of course you are,” I murmured, burying my face in her hair, letting my eyes fall shut. “I charged that overnight for a reason, y’know. The battery is shit, it’s going to run out of charge later,” I added, mumbling almost incoherently.  


“I’ll charge it before we leave.”




Jessica’s been sleeping the Saturdays in my arms ever since that night she stayed the night and I had that sudden revelation of how strong my feelings were. It’s become our routine, really. When Saturday came around, it was a night of more princess movies and chicken fingers at the Radley-Bremer apartment. Chris was ecstatic to have this unofficial tradition every Saturday, and Mark didn’t seem to mind at all when he joined our secret pact of unhealthy eating for dinner.


As for Rebecca . . . well, her admiration for Jessica was almost as high as mine.


Thirty minutes later, after I dozed off to the sound of an optimistic game tune and melodic chiming, I felt Jessica shift from her position, shut off my phone, and roll ontop of me. “Reece,” she urged, poking my cheek annoyingly, “time to wake up for real.”


I swatted at her finger; I swear she got that from Chris. “Five more minutes,” I muttered.

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