Chapter Twenty One: A Thousand First Dates

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Please read the bold part of the author's note at the end, guys! Dedicated to @lmaopizza for the cute little banner on the side! Ignore weird mistakes and typos, enjoy :) xx

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Chapter Twenty One: A Thousand First Dates

Later that Saturday, I found myself looking at my own reflection in the bathroom mirror. I had specifically said that when Jessica and I kissed for the first time that I would be in for the long run. So after accomplishing my goal of kissing her breathless against a wall (a goal that went pretty well), I wasted no time in asking her out.

I can't possibly afford to bring Jessica to some fancy restaurant or on a carriage ride around Central Park – creating some ultimate out-of-this-world first date was not an option – but one perk to already being so close to Jessica is that I have some idea to what she finds a good time. Jessica can find joy and excitement in the simplest things, and it's something I admire about her personality.

With one goal gone and done, it is now my personal mission that I walk her home feeling happy and content with how we spent our Saturday night.

"I knew this day would come," Mark commented with a sly smile as I entered the living room and was handed some money. With no job and no weekly allowance, it was practically given that I ask Mark for money. Netflix and microwaved dinners are for later on in the road, if all goes well.

I rolled my eyes and took the money from him. "Whatever."

"Got a plan for tonight, then?" Mark asked. I nodded; if I were being honest, I was surprised on the amount of thought I put into coming up with where I wanted to take Jessica tonight. Obviously, nothing over the top since I'm not the richest guy in the world, but I felt pretty confident in what I had planned. Or, at least for the second part.

Chris bounded off the couch and over to us, mirroring the same sly look his dad was wearing. "I knew you liked Jessica," he boasted, puffing his chest out. "I called it, Dad."

"I think everyone called it, buddy," Mark answered, ruffling his hair. Then with a pointed look my way, he said, "How fortunate do you feel that Rebecca isn't here right now?"

"Very." Thinking back to a few days ago when I told everyone at the dinner table about what went down between Jessica and I made me laugh out loud. Rebecca was beyond excited, to the point where, for a moment, she was not a grown women with that five second teenage-like, fangirl squealing fit. I had a feeling that if she were here right now, she'd be taking pictures or something as if this was prom.

My phone buzzed in my pocket with an incoming call from Jessica saying she was outside the building. I grinned as I swiped my keys and jacket from the counter and saluted goodbye to the others. "My sunshine awaits me, don't wait up," I called, shutting the door on Mark and Chris' laughter and teasing hollers.

Jessica stood outside, twiddling with the ends of her long cardigan as she waited. Loving that I no longer had to watch my actions incase they were too intimate for our friendship, I immediately pulled her into my arms and pressed my lips against hers in a hello kiss. Her body softened after the initiate shock, and I felt her slowly wind her arms around my neck as she kissed me back.

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