Chapter Twenty Three: A Thousand Hot Glares and Angry Scowls

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update before bed! dedicated to megha for the amazing banner to the side! i can really see reece in that picture haha. ignore weird mistakes and typos, i was a bit tired as i edited this. enjoy :) xx

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Chapter Twenty Three: A Thousand Hot Glares and Angry Scowls


I rested my head against my forearm as I slipped into a corner table at the cafe. Jessica looked at me sympathetically as she sat across from me. “You all right?” she asked.


“Goddamn school,” I muttered, scowling as I plucked a sugar packet from its holder and started messing with it. “It’s fucking stressful is what it is.”


“You are just now realizing this four years into your high school career?” Jessica asked with raised eyebrow, her lips turned up in a smile.  


“Making an effort is a struggle, sunshine.”


“And you say high schoolers don’t know what struggle is, you judgmental jerk,” Jessica laughed, shaking her head. “Maybe you wouldn’t be stressing as much if you didn’t wait until the very last minute to –”


“Can we skip over the bit where you start calling me out for stuff and just order some food?” I interrupted in attempt to steer this conversation in another direction. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s done it and I’d rather just eat and enjoy my afternoon with her after a very long day at school.


Rebecca’s been on my ass since I said I’d commit myself to school ths year, and I’m running strong on my promise not to be a screw-up like my dad. And although Jessica has been the sweet little girlfriend that she is, headaches seemed to be a regular thing when it came to anything school related.


And who the hell likes constant headaches, because I definitely don’t. It makes me an even grumpier ass than I already am.


Jessica chuckled and slid out of the booth. Holding out her hand, she said, “C’mon, get up.”


I groaned as I lifted my head off the table and out the booth, taking her hand in mine. She bumped shoulders with me as she led me to the back of the cashier line. “Cheer up, Reece. There’s so many off days coming up in November, and then it’ll be the holiday season where we get even more off days – it’ll be great,” Jessica conversed optimistically, counting off all the good things in life with her fingers.


“Sure it will,” I drawled, rolling my neck, trying to relieve all the cramps and kinks.


Jessica rolled her eyes, dropping my hand. “Why do you have to be so pessimistic all the time? Don’t tell me you’re going to be a total grinch when Christmas comes around, Reece Bummer."


I took a step back as the line moved forward and pointed a finger at her. “I see what you did there. But no, I won’t be a grinch. I wouldn’t want you avoiding me during the happiest time of the year, now do I?”

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