Chapter Seven: A Thousand Missing Items

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dedicated to AdriLion for being such an amazing supporter of ATW. i always look forward to hearing what she has to say about the new chapter <3 i've been writing in a google doc lately. it helps with editing and keeps all my works organized and together (: microsoft doesn't do it for my school - we're google drived, bro. Ignore weird mistakes and typos, enjoy!

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Chapter Seven: A Thousand Missing Items


Reece Bremer was an enigma of his own.

He's certainly left his mark in this school, and I don’t think it’s the best one. The rumours floating around the school hallways, the whispered lies and nasty remarks, they were nothing new. Students handle Reece’s presence in different ways.

A lot of people have this sense of fear and anxiety when Reece is in the same room as them. It's like they see him around the corner and avoidance of eye contact begins. It's clear to see when friends shoot each other looks as he passes. This is pretty understandable. Being around Reece these last couple of days has definitely showed that he isn’t the brightest crayon in the crayon box. If black represented cold, intimidating, and permanently scowling, then I think that it’s quite obvious on which represents him best.

Then there’s those who have actual deep hatred and disgust pumping through their blood. Plenty of jocks have been badmouthing Reece since his return from suspension – especially when they’ve had a little run in with him. A simple glare or scowl from Reece irks them beyond belief.

I've had enough discreet eyerolls to their actions.  It’s in Reece’s nature to always have a cold exterior. A simple curt nod or even a dismissive glance away satisfies Reece’s contemptment of not having anyone in his way.

More people should be a part of the one's who don't care about him. You stay out of his way, and you won’t get on his bad side. Simple, right? Those are the people I respect. Because, for some strange reason, Reece likes to be alone. He wants to be left the way he is and that’s being limited on those who interact with him. Which, quite frankly, is only Kyle.

And me.

And Charlotte, of course. But that’s more my doing than hers.

If anything, Charlotte was absolutely horrified when she learned that I took it upon myself to walk up to Reece and speak a word to him – let alone multiple conversations. Breathing the same air as him for as long as I did was mind-blowing to her. I don’t know the exact reason as to why I did what I did. There was something about Reece that gave me the guts to talk to the most bitter person I’ve ever had the honor of meeting. Alluring, I guess.

My sudden fascination isn’t based on Reece’s good looks. I’m not those girls who giggle and fawn over his appearance when you catch sight of his dangerous persona and rugged looks. I’m not on a hunt for a bad boy to fix so I could get my heartbroken when I fall for him. 

The curious cat in me was sparked by the way Reece stood out from the crowd, and my curiosity just might as well be my undoing.

I like to think I’ve learned a lot about Reece since I’ve accompanied myself with him, but then he goes and throws me off guard by catching things nobody has been ever been able to see before. And that’s what scares me the most.

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