chapter sixteen

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"Ready to go, muffin?" the sound of his raspy voice fills El's ears. She set her hairbrush down on the dresser, turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck. She hums, a part of her happy to go back to school but the other part of her afraid of people judging her.

"Hey," Mike whispers, caressing the back of her ear with his thumb. "Don't let them get you, okay?" it was like he could read her mind without even trying.

El sighed, nodding slowly. "Okay," she says making Mike smile at her proudly. "So, are we walking or...?"

"Kinda," he mumbles before hoisting her up and throwing her over his shoulder as she squealed, giggling afterwards.

"You're crazy, baby boy," she ruffles his dark curls as he picked up their back bags, and flinging them on his forearm before returning his palm to her thigh.

"Crazy for you, baby love,"


Don't let them get me

Don't let them get me

Don't let them get me

Mike's words echoed in El's head as continued to scroll through the hallway of Hawkins High with Mike's arm swaddled around her shoulders.

El tried to ignore the weird looks she was getting from every single person she passed by, even the teachers. She didn't understand what their problem was. 'Not like we moved into their house' she thought rolling her eyes at the teenagers pointing their finger at her and whispering stuff that she knew was obviously about her.

"Give it up, people!" a mocking voice booms, making Mike and El snap their heads to their side to lock eyes with the last person they wanted to interact with right now, Troy.

'Could this day get any worse?'

El shook her head, feeling Mike tense up next to her.

"Give it up to the not so innocent couple of the year!" he continues, sarcastically clapping his hands together as his two sidekicks, James and Thomas joined him. "Give it up when it lasts becau-" before he could finish his sentence, Mike grabs his collar and slams him against one of the lockers.

"Finish that fucking sentence and I'll make sure you don't get home in one piece," he growls, his voice low yet minacious. "Do. You. Understand?" he says with his teeth gritted. Troy smirks, shaking his head. Mike pulls him forward before slamming him hard against the locker making him groan out of pain. He was about to speak again but was interrupted by a small hand tugging on his arm.

"He's not worth it, baby," El whispers, her eyes begging for him to let it go. He sighs, tightening his grip on Troy's shirt. "Stay away from her," he warns before releasing him and wrapping his arm around the brunette's shoulders again, pecking her temple.

"Show's over mother fuckers!" he yells at the crowd who were holding their phones up, probably videoing the whole thing.


El finally makes it to her last class of the day class after kissing Mike goodbye. She takes a seat in the middle row, surprised when a certain redhead seated herself next to her. El was about to get up but the teacher entered giving her no choice but to spend the next hour with Max.

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