08# Look at me!

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Sid Wilson X Reader.

Summary :  Sid is unhappy that Chris and Mick get more attention from (Y/n) than him. He will do anything to get it.

Requested by : Anonymous.


He can't stand it. (Y/n) is a friend of the band, everyone likes them but seems to be closer with Chris than any of the others.

Right know, Chris is showing (Y/n) his little growing baseball card collection. (Y/n) doesn't really understand what the percussionist is talking about, but happily listens to what ever Chris has to say, and what he has to show. 

While Chris and (Y/n) are sitting together on one side of the room, Sid is sitting all the way over to the other side of said room. Pouting at the other two. Eventually Sid stands up from his seat and leaves the room, unable to sit still for any longer, perhaps walking around the place to get rid of the energy he has. 

Sid steps outside for some fresh air and more space, walking in circles while thinking of something that could get (Y/n) attention. 
He taps his chin while thinking hard of an idea. 

Then it hits him! (Y/n) always seems in awe with the crazy stuff he does on stage! Perhaps he can do a crazy stunt and impress them! Good idea Sid!


Chris had to do something important and couldn't talk with (Y/n) anymore. So (Y/n) moved on to talk with Mick who happened to be nearby. The guitarist and the supporter were chatting and catching up. At least Mick seems content to have small talk, about nothing in particular.

The DJ peeks over the corner and spots his targets. 
He decided he would play Lion tamer with Mick. A very dangerous stunt to be able to pull off
Holding one of Mick's signature guitars, Sid walks out with a smug look. 

"Heeeyyy~." Sid inserts himself in the conversation, grinning at the expression Mick has on his face, once he realizes what the DJ is holding. 
"I warned you about touching my stuff Sid." The guitarist growls threateningly and stands up from his seat. 
"Sid what are you doing?" (Y/n) questions, also standing up. 
"Bein'  a daredevil!"Sid exclaims proudly to them, avoiding Mick who was approaching closer, trying to grab the other man and get his own guitar back. Mick already looks pretty angry, and Sid is only making is worse by toying with him. 

"stop this, Rat!" Mick runs after Sid as he runs away with his guitar, the two play a little game of cat and mouse around the place until Mick catches him eventually. 
Sid gives up and Mick snatches the guitar from the DJ. "Don't. Do. This. Again." The guitarist hisses with murder in is eyes. 
"Okay, okay..." Sid gulps and Mick lets him go, roughly dropping back on the floor. 
The guitarist huff, and walks away to put away his instrument. 

"Why did you do that?" (Y/n) walks up to the DJ, who dusts himself off. 
"i felt like being annoying." Sid responds pointing his thumb to himself with pride. 
"Why?" (Y/n) tilts their head quizzically. 
Sid turns pink with nervousness. Certainly, (Y/n) would only scold him if he tells them the real reason. 
"Because..." The DJ begins, thinking carefully for an explanation. 
"You-you only live once, dear (Y/n)!" He says, satisfied with his own answer.

Again on the same day, Sid tries to piss off Mick to impress (Y/n) by disturbing the guitarist's peace, making him chase the DJ and show (Y/n). 

"Quick (Y/n), hide me!" Sid stammers in panic, as he ran up to the supporter. "Here." (Y/n) opens the closet door and pushes the DJ into it, closing the door to safe him from certain death. 
"WHERE IS THAT RAT???!!!!!" Mick roars out as he enters the room, fuming. 
"I'LL RIP HIS FUCKING ARMS OFF WHEN I FIND HIM!!!" He growls, and stomps up to (Y/n).

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" (Y/n) holds their arms up, hoping to calm the guitarist down a little. 
"Mick, chill. Nothing good will happen if you rip his arms off." (Y/n) says. 
The guitarist takes a deep breath in order to calm himself down. 
"Yeah... You're right." He sighs. "If you find him. tell him that i give him a final warning." And with that Mick leaves once again. 

(Y/n) turns the the closet and opens the door to let the poor DJ out. 
"You should stop. I don't want you to die just yet." (Y/n) says with an un-impressed look in their face. "Yeah okay, i'll stop. I promise." Sid deflates at the look on their face. He then quickly walks away in shame, away from the supporter. 


Okay, so that didn't work... Sid is sitting outside smoking. Thinking about something else to impress (Y/n) and keep their attention on him. Well, what he tried with Mick wasn't really a stunt... So, maybe that's why it failed. Besides he was being a real dick to Mick today, (Y/n) would never be impressed with that.

Let's just take is the classic way.
Sid perks up, standing up and throwing his cigarette on the ground and stomping it out.
Yes, it will be a good idea! Risky, but not as risky as making a big guy like Mick angry.

The DJ rushes inside over to the edge of the place where he finds a very climbable tree!

At the end of the day, it almost sun-down. (Y/n) steps outside to find Sid and let him know that Chinese take-out can arrive at any minute.
"Sid? Where are you?" (Y/n) looks around for any sign of the DJ.

"up here, dear (Y/n)!" his voice can be heard from above (Y/n). They look up to see the man they were looking for, up in the tree, looking down at them with a dumb smile.

"how the fuck did you get up there?!" (Y/n) gapes in awe upwards, making Sid smile brighter, it's working.
"I have my ways." he explains with pride, moving over to another branch.

"be careful Sid. You can fall." (Y/n) says with worry lacing their voice.
Sid scoffs,
"dear, (Y/n). I'm Sid fucking Wilson!" he exclaims, performing an acrobatic stunt, almost like what he often doe son stage.
"but you're not invincible." (Y/n) argues back. Walking around below the tree.
"watch this!" Sid leaps to go from on branch to another and (Y/n) yelps in surprise upon seeing this action. 
The DJ thought he could make it, but the branch is much more slippery that he had calculated, and he lost his footing and falls out of the tree. He didn't scream from the shock, only a loud gasp. 
He falls almost on top of (Y/n), slightly breaking his fall but he still hurt his head pretty bad. 


"stay still for just a moment Sid." (Y/n) scolds, snatching his shoulder to keep him from squirming in his seat. 
"ow." He hisses, as (Y/n) dips the rag over the wound on the DJ's head. 
"not so hard." He complains. 

"You kind of deserved it though." (Y/n) scolds the DJ, getting a band-aid for the wound on his forehead. "What's with you today?  You've been acting crazier than ever before." (Y/n) complains, placing the band-aid on the wound perfectly. "There." They mumble while working. 
Sid tries his best to stay still for (Y/n) so they can work on the wound on his head. 

"i, uh..." Sid stammers, not daring to meet (Y/n) gaze as they look at him, awaiting for him to speak up and explain himself. 
"I... I Just wanted you to look at me..." The DJ admits in shame, looking down at his own leg that's bouncing up and down where he sits. 

(Y/n) looks at him in surprise. 
"You know, you could have just walked up to me and talked to me." (Y/n) offers an uncomfortable grin. 
"It's not as easy as you think. You're always talking with Chris and Mick." Sid tries to argue back, not really defending his actions. 
"You're really gonna risk your life for my attention?! Really? Please, please don't do that again." (Y/n) scolds him, as he has predicted before. 
"Only dangerous stunts on stage okay? I bet everyone wants to keep you around for a little longer." (Y/n) leans over and gives the band-aid on Sid's head a gentle kiss. 

They then lean back and step away, "Let me get you an ice-pack." (Y/n) leaves the room, leaving a flustered DJ behind by himself. 

There you go. Here is one for Sid!

Thanks for reading.
- Missalot.

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