05# Guitar Lesson Rival

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Jim Root X Reader X Mick Thomson

Summary : (Y/n) is wants to learn guitar and asks the two guitarists for help.


They have always been fascinated with their instruments. And the way their fingers dance across the strings, creating music.
(Y/n) was never able to afford a guitar on their own when they were younger. Their family wasn't the richest, of average wealth.
They weren't struggling financially, but (Y/n)'s father didn't care about his  child having fun in life. He cared more about his gambling games.

(Y/n) got kicked out of their parents house at 19, had spend a month or two on the street. After finding a job and a place to stay, in 1991 (Y/n) met Joey and the ever growing band, and the rest is history.


(Y/n) stares with fascination at Jim's fingers slide across the steel strings from chord to chord.
They are merely staring, dreaming about what it would be like to play the instrument themselves.
They can hear someone talking, but they are too deep in their day dream go react to it.
Simply watching the instrument they wish to be able to play.

"(Y/n)." a voice snaps (Y/n) out of their daze, looking at the player of the instrument who had called their name. "sorry, sorry." (Y/n) apologizes sheepishly, blushing and rubbing the back of their head, they shift and look away, feeling bad for getting caught staring.
"Is everything okay? You've been staring at the guitar the whole time i have been playing ." Jim comments, a hint of worry and amusement in his Hazel colored eyes. 

"uhm..." (Y/n) fidgets with their own fingers, unsure of how to ask what they have been longing for, for a very long time. They just feel impatient with themselves. (Y/n) can't really wait and ponder anymore. They want to Learn the guitar now.
"Is-is it difficult?" They ask quietly. Jim tilts his head a bit, clearly confused about what (Y/n) is referring to. "is what difficult?" He questions.
"Learn-learning guitar?" (Y/n) elaborates, pointing at the said instrument in Jim's hands. 

Jim is surprised, looking down at the gestured guitar and then back uo to the person sitting opposite of him. (Y/n) looks a lot smaller now, a bit ashamed for asking.
"uh, well that depends y' know? You gotta have the motivation and discipline to learn a instrument. Any instrument. " He explains to (Y/n), who nods in agreement. They think they got the motivation to learn it. And they've got enough desire to fuel some discipline on their side.
"and... are there left handed guitars?" (Y/n) asks him. Their voice soft. "Of course there are!" Jim replies with a grin. 

"Why all these questions (Y/n)? Do you wanna learn guitar yourself?" he looks pleased with his own conclusion. Even more so when (Y/n)'s face turns bright red. He finds it kind of cute how (Y/n) is so timid about learning how to play the instrument. 
"Ahaha! yeah!" (Y/n) laughs awkwardly, "I really wanna learn how to play." They confess, the look on their face so sincere. They must have been holding this question to themselves so a very long time. (Y/n) fidgets with their own fingers once again. 
Jim's grin only grows at what he hears. 
"I suggest you start with acoustic guitar first, then you can learn electric once you've learned most of the chords and rhythm." Then places the guitar he's holding next to himself and stands up. "Where are you going?" (Y/n) calls after Jim in a panic, watching as he walks out of the room. 
"Wait right here, i'll be right back!" He shouts from the other room. 
(Y/n) fidgets as they wait for Jim to return. Is he really going to teach them? It almost feels to realtor be true. They have been dreaming of learning guitar for so long.

Jim returns as quickly as he left, holding an acoustic guitar in his hand. "You can borrow this one for now, y'know? Until you get your own. " He says, handing the left handed acoustic guitar to (Y/n), helping them hold is properly. He gently grabs their hand, guiding it over the neck to how to hold the instrument right. (Y/n) blushes at the contact, and hopes that Jim doesn't see it.
"see here, keep your fingers curved so that only the tips of your fingers touch the strings okay?" Jim instructs, aiding (Y/n)'s fingers in the right position on the stings. (Y/n) can barely believe what's happening. They're so happy with holding the instrument alone! They can't control a big smile on their face. 
Jim notices (Y/n)'s expression, and can't help but feel happy too. (Y/n) happy makes him happy.

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