30# Raggedy.

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Paul Gray X Reader.

Summary : (Y/n) has a hobby they're ashamed of. Paul eventually finds out.


(Y/n) has always been very secretive about everything they do.
They're the second most mysterious around, after Craig.
They don't talk about themselves. The band doesn't know what (Y/n) does for a living, or if they have any hobbies, what they like. Hell, even their favorite color is a mystery to the band.

Paul want to find out why (Y/n) keeps everything to themselves. And he can't help but feel a bit worried... He doesn't know why he feels that way, just his gut tells him to be worried. 
There a have been a few examples where (Y/n) is behaving more suspiciously than mysterious...


The bassist has his eye on (Y/n) as they converse with Sid. Well... The DJ is doing most of the talking. Every time Sid asked (Y/n) a question, they turn the conversation back to the DJ. They refuse to talk about themselves to other people. And that worries the bassist. 
He really wants to know what's wrong...
Paul comes up with a plan to confront (Y/n) about it. And he hopes that they're willing to tell him what's bothering them. 

After Sid is done talking to (Y/n) and leaves the room, it's time for Paul's plan to go into motion. Just before (Y/n) is about to leave too. He jumps up from his seat to catch up with them. 
"Hey, (Y/n)." he calls and really stumbles over his own feet, catching for (Y/n)'s attention. They turn around to face him, their feet shuffling over the carpeted floor. 
"hmm?" They hum quizzically, giving the bassist a look. 
"I uh..." Paul stammers, searching in his mind for the right words to from an appropriate sentence for this situation. 

"I just wanted to ask if you're... doing okay?" He asks carefully, seeming to grimace at the sound of his own voice. 
(Y/n)'s eyebrows furrow at the bassist's question, for them it seems to come out of nowhere. 
"ah, Yeah i'm fine. Why do you ask?" They wonder, scanning the man before them for any sign of what could give his concern away. Unfortunately (Y/n) can't read body-language all that well. 
"Well uh..." Paul rubs the back of his head. "You seems so... closed off lately. Even more so than usual. Are you sure you're okay?" He elaborates, looking a little uncomfortable. As if asking about a subject that is very sensitive to (Y/n). 

(Y/n) shakes their head slowly. They can't help but appreciate that Paul cares about them, it makes their gut feel tied. 
"I promise you Paul, i'm doing just fine. I just... don't like to talk about myself much, i'd rather listen to what others have to say, you see?" (Y/n) explains. 
The bassist is unsure of what to say to their answer. He decides to let his worries drop for now. 
"If you say so (Y/n). Just so you know, if there is anything wrong you can talk to me." He says, and watches (Y/n) step back ready to leave the room. 
"Thanks Paul, i really appreciate that and i'll keep it in mind." They smile and take more steps back, before turning around and leaving the room as well. 

Paul is left there conflicted with is own thoughts. He's unsure if he should believe (Y/n)'s claims. 
People with depression often lie to peoples faces about their condition, believing that the burden others with their feelings. 

The bassist is sure he's going to keep his eye on his friend, he will jump in when (Y/n) behavior gets stranger. 


To start a new project, (Y/n) has to make some sketches first. The commissions are closed for now, but (Y/n) is still willing to make plush toys to donate to various organisations involving children. 
The latest donation went towards a kids unit in a mental institution. And (Y/n) felt very proud when they got positive reactions from the hospital. 
It always gives (Y/n) a warm feeling knowing that their hard work is well received.

They flip the pencil around to erase a little slip up on the next design sketch.
It still needs some adjustments, but it's going good so far.

"What are you doing?" A familiar voice startles (Y/n). They jump in their seat and quickly shut their sketch book closed to hide what they were making.
They look up and meet the eye of the bassist leaning over the back of the very chair that (Y/n) is sitting in.
Paul only got a glimpse of what was in (Y/n)'s sketchbook.
"Ah! Paul, don't scare me like that!" (Y/n) puts their hand on their chest to calm their rapid beating heart.

"Haha, Sorry (Y/n)." The bassist laughs, holding his hands up in defense. "What are you writing?" He asks, holding his hands behind his back and leaning over in interest. 
(Y/n) looks away and shakes their head. 
"No, i'm not showing you." They says, holding the book close to their chest to keep anyone from looking at it. Their cheeks turn pink in embarrassment, looking away from the man standing behind them. 
"aww, come on now." Paul teases, "Just one peek." But (Y/n) refuses, shaking their head and turning away from the bassist. 
Paul can't help but feel even more curious than before, and still a little worried even. What could be so special what (Y/n) wouldn't want to share it with the world?
"Okay, fine." Paul gives up pushing and turns away. 
While walking away he takes a quick peek back and sees (Y/n) open the book again and resuming what they were doing. 
He can't remember being this curious about something before. 


There, now that (Y/n) is alone again, they got the chance to work on their own project.
They take out the unfinished plush toy out of their bag and resume working on it.
One of their family members is having a child, and (Y/n) wants to make a little something for the coming child.
One of those blanket plushies that babies and toddlers love, made from wool so it's not vegan...
The expecting mother doesn't know that wool comes from sheep at least. 
(Y/n) sighs while thinking deeply, resuming their knitting work on the present. 

Paul has been looking around for (Y/n), not finding them anywhere. 
He asked Joey for help, but the drummer just pointed into a random direction and walked away. Not very helpful...
He hears a noise of metal hitting metal, a almost rhythmic clicking sound. Curious, Paul enters the room where the noise seems to come from. And there he finds (Y/n) knitting away at a project. The bassist is intrigued at best, what are they making? Silently, Paul approaches (Y/n), peaking over their shoulder to take a look at what they're doing. 
There he finds that (Y/n) is knitting something, although he can't really tell what it is.

(Y/n) feels a presence with them in the room, they slowly stop knitting. The feeling feels a little threatening,  but that's a mere instinct. (Y/n) turns their head to look over their shoulder, meeting the chocolate brown eyes of Slipknot's bassist. 
They let out a yelp of surprise, and jolt back. Paul jumps back to stand up straight, just as surprised. 
It's silent for a between the two, neither sure of what to say or who should speak up first. 
But Paul is brave enough to speak first, "sooo..." He begins, rubbing the back of his head nervously. He feels like he interrupted something, but the discovery feels revolutionary, the answer to his burning questions.
"You knit?" He asks gently. 


(Y/n) and the bassist are sitting across from each other. (Y/n) is looking at their own hands, tapping their rough fingertips together nervously. Paul has found out the hobby/work that they have being trying to hide from the band for a long time...
"I didn't know that you're so creative." Paul says, astonished at what he has discovered. "You really do this for a living?" He gapes at the project that's on the table before him. 
(Y/n)'s hand rakes up their arm to rub their arm. "Yeah... It's a side thing. I still have job, i do this for fun. The money from commissions are a nice bonus." (Y/n) mumbles, not daring to look his eye.
He must think that it's really lame, of course he would. He's a tough rock-star, he would grimace at something to mundane as making plushies!
"It's really relaxing to knit. I know it's lame." (Y/n) crosses their arms and sinks into their seat. 
"No No!" Paul objects, waving with his hands. "It's not lame at all! I think it's pretty cool." Paul grins, putting one thumb up in the air. 
(Y/n) looks at the bassist with big eyes. "You think it's cool?" They ask meekly. 
Paul replies with a nod and a big smiles. He then stands up to take a seat right next to (Y/n). He put a hand on their shoulder to assure them. 
"I think it's very cool at least." He says with a kind smiles. (Y/n) can't help but smile back at the bassist. 
This really does make them feel less ashamed of their hobby. Paul is really good at showing his friends that he cares. 
(Y/n) twists their upper-body towards him to give him a hug that Paul is more than happy to return. 
"Thanks Paul." They mumble into his shoulder. The bassist squeezes them in response. 
Yes, Paul never fails to make (Y/n) feel better about anything.

I Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for reading.
- Pennart.

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