10# Spike Wall.

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Craig Jones X Reader

Summary: At a Meet and Greet event, (Y/n) gets a little uncomfortable with fans getting so close. Luckily Craig is there to assist.

Requested by: Anonymous.

(A/n) : i going to be honest with you, i have no idea what a meet and greet is supposed to look like.


Craig can tell that (Y/n) is a little nervous, and there is nothing wrong with that of course. Being a good friend of Jones, (Y/n) has been a part of the band from the beginning he joined in. The whole band knows (Y/n), and they're allowed to come along to events that the band goes to.
(Y/n) is a lot more talkative than Craig, and often speaks for him even.

Some fans are aware of (Y/n)'s existence as well. Known as 'the Supporter' by fans, a few have even approached them to ask them about the band once or twice.


"you good (Y/n)?" Jim asks, noticing their nervousness as they stand there and fidget.
"Yeah, I'm fine." (Y/n) half-lies, smiling at the guitarist.
Craig pats (Y/n)'s shoulder reassuringly. They offer him a nervous smile.
"stay cool, (Y/n) everything will be fine." The guitarist says to them. The Supporter sighs, "I'm just not a big fan of large crowds." They admit, looking at the buildings entrance where the fans will come flocking in at any moment.
"it's not so bad once you get used to it." Corey pipes in and Craig nods in agreement at the statement.
(Y/n) nods at the two men, it's just something that they have to get used too or else that they'll never get over their nervousness. The band and (Y/n) gather around and wait for the fans to arrive.

Not soon after the doors open, and people start to walk in, gathering around the band and await their turn to say hello.
(Y/n) decides to stand a bit in the background, letting the band get all the attention, for the fans are there for them anyway.
"Hey." a person called out. (Y/n) didn't react at first, thinking at they were calling someone for someone else.
"Excuse me." the person called out once again, now getting (Y/n) attention. They snap out of their day-dream and look into the direction of the noise.

A woman with blond hair and wearing a Slipknot t-shirt walks up to them with a smile.
"you're 'The Supporter', right?" she asks politely.
(Y/n) tilts their head quizzically.
"is that what I'm called? Well yes I am, I guess." they are unsure of how to react to this entirely new situation.

The fan beams, "what you're doing is so great! Must be lucky to be associated with the band that closely." she comments, looking at (Y/n) with a hopeful smile.

"uhh. I don't really think about it that way." (Y/n) answers and shrugs.
The fan nods in understanding.
"so do you have a number like the rest of them?" she just keeps on with the questions. For (Y/n) it just feels strange to get fawned over like this.

"err... No I, don't. But if. I'd ever get a number it would probably be number 10." (Y/n) responds. Actually getting a it uncomfortable now. This girl is making them nervous.

"can you sign this for me please?"she says and holds out a picture of Slipknot, with (Y/n) standing at the side.
(Y/n) takes a haste step back in surprise. Why would this girl want the autograph of someone much less popular than the band itself?!
The fan takes a step closer.
"Why-why would you want to sign something?" (Y/n) stammers, holding their hands up to keep the girl from coming closer.


Craig didn't have long conversations with fans, for he doesn't interact with them vocally, merely shaking hands and people trying to get him to talk. He could only grin in amusement inside his mask when fans try to coax a noise out of him.
He hasn't seen his friend (Y/n) in a while now. He even thought they had left, but (Y/n) is not one to leave an event without saying anything.

He look around, scanning the crowded room for any of (Y/n) distinctive features that he could recognize from afar.
Over there! In the far back, he spots (Y/n) talking to a female fan. They didn't look very comfortable talking to this girl. Perhaps the fan is a little too excited and standing a little too close for (Y/n)'s comfort.
He can relate to that, although he had grown accustomed to it by now. In-fact he knows that every fan-base has many overbearing fans.

But (Y/n) is not familiar to the popularity yet, or how to deal with fans.
So, Craig will be there to help them. He maneuvers him through the crowd of people to approach (Y/n) and the fan.

"I...I'm not sure."
(Y/n) stammers, pushing the female fan's hands that hold the picture away from themselves
"Come on, please." The fan begs. pushing against (Y/n) hands.

The fan is suddenly met with a hand wearing a finger-less glove, stopping the girl from talking to (Y/n). Craig pushes himself in between the other two people. Standing in front of (Y/n) and guarding them.
"Oh my god Craig!" The fan beams. her pearly smile so bright you could need sunglasses to look directly at her.
Craig wags his finger at her, as if scolding her. He snatches the picture from the fan's hands, takes a pen and signs it, then handing it back to her.
She seem happy with what she received from one of her idols, thanks him and skips away.

(Y/n) let's out a sigh of relief, patting the middle of their chest of calm their rapid beating heart.
The sampler puts a hand on their shoulder, rubbing his thumb over the fabric of their shirt to help them calm down.
He points to the back, pulling at their shoulder to guide them to the back outside.


Once Craig and (Y/n) are outside, (Y/n) leans against the wall and take a deep breath of fresh air.
"Thanks Craig." (Y/n) pants, looking at him with a tired smile. He puts a thumb up. Then reaches over to pat their shoulder again.

"man, i really gotta get used to crowds or i'll never get used to anything." (Y/n) complains, scolding themselves for having trouble with crowd.
Craig waves his hand dismissively, as if to say that it'll come eventually. Then he pats their shoulder a bit more roughly, forming a triumphant fist with his hand, to encourage them.

"Yeah, you're right. I just gotta keep trying."
(Y/n) says, understanding what the sampler is trying to say.

After (Y/n) has calmed down completely, they push themselves off the wall.
"Okay i'm ready to go back." They say, tone of voice filled with courage.
The sampler envelopes (Y/n) into a hug. Making sure that he doesn't stab them with the spikes of his mask. (Y/n) happily hugs their friend back, a bright smile on their face.

The two friends let go of each other and move back inside, Craig's hand on their back.
'just gotta keep trying.'

Craig sound like a good friend :D

Thanks for reading.
- Missalot.

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