24# Clever Route

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Corey Taylor X Reader.

Summary : (Y/n) feels unsafe when walking home one day and calls Corey up for help.

Requested by : Anonymous.


Finally, another day is almost over.
(Y/n)gets ready to take their things and leave their workplace and go home.

It's a shame that (Y/n)'s car failed the yearly required check-up, and now their car is in the garage getting fixed. They have to walk now... All the way home. Well... it's a good 15 minutes from here, maybe 27 if (Y/n) speed-walks home. 
But they're tired as hell and not in the mood to walk quickly. 
Despite it's at sundown, the sky is orange and slowly going darker. They can't help but feel uneasy. There is something about walking in the evening, it's simply unsafe for anybody. 

(Y/n) shakes their head, doing their best to not overthink things and start walking, get home before it gets even darker. 
(Y/n) has a tune in their head, they whistle the tune out loud in an attempt to calm themselves.
There is nothing wrong, yet it's God to stay on guard, they can't be to sure.

There are still other people on the streets, more employees done with their work, closing off and leave to go home too.
Other people, a group all laughing together. The group is probably going to the nearby bar that's opening around this time.

(Y/n) takes a deep breath, catching a whiff of fresh evening summer air. That always smells so good and it calms (Y/n) down.

Suddenly, (Y/n) hears another pair of footsteps behind them.
Probably another person walking home.
Though they can't help but shake this unpleasant feeling. A feeling of dread.
A strange sensation stings into (Y/n)'s back. The eyes of the person behind them staring.

So, to test their theory, they turn a familiar restaurant boulevard that also goes into the direction of (Y/n)'s home. And (Y/n) still hears the same footsteps behind them!
Feeling unsafe now, (Y/n) takes a sharp turn and walking right into a restaurant. 


"Good evening, do you have a reservation?" The hostess of the restaurant asks after (Y/n) has entered. 
"Listen to me, I think someone is following me. Do you mind if I stay here while i call someone for help?" (Y/n) asks the hostess politely. 
The hostess seems to understand the situation and nods. 
(Y/n) sighs in relief and takes out her phone to call the best person they can think of at the moment... Corey. 

The phone rings, it't take a moment for Corey to answer. 
"Hello? (Y/n) what's up?" (Y/n) feels a lot more at ease upon hearing Corey's rusty voice. 
"Hey, Corey. i need your help, I think someone is following me and i need  you to come pick me up." (Y/n) says through the phone carefully, watching through the buildings windows for that person that was walking after them. 
(Y/n) can hear some shuffling on the other side of the line, Corey is probably already on his way. 
"Hold on tight, i'll be right there. Text me where you're at." And with that the singer hangs up. 

Right away, (Y/n) texts the name and the street of their location to Corey. 
Luckily for them that (Y/n) is familiar with Boulevard and this restaurant and didn't have to think twice before texting. 

"Everything alright?" The hostess shows up, a worried look in her face. 
(Y/n) let's out a sigh, "Yeah i'm alright. Someone is coming to help me soon." (Y/n) explains to the hostess of the restaurant. 
Her face shifts into a reassuring smile. 
"would you like a glass of water while you wait?" The hostess offers. (Y/n) nods, "Yes please." 
She quickly hurries of to get a free glass of water for (Y/n).


A good 15 minutes, is what it takes for Corey to get to the location his friend had send him to go to.
The way (Y/n)'s voice sounded over the voice, he could tell they felt uneasy and unsafe.

The singer is more than happy to help one of his bestest friend. He will help them just like they helped him... Even after all those years, he still feels like ha has to make it up to them.

Corey makes a grand entrance by bursting into the door.
"i'm here!" he announces to anyone who's paying attention.
"Corey you made it!" (Y/n) beams, walking up to the singer and bring him into a hug.
Corey excitedly hugs them back, squeezing them firmly as a way to comfort them.

"you okay?" He asks, his expression showing worry and sincerity.
(Y/n) nods, "yeah I'm okay, now that you're here I feel a bit safer." they answer to his question.
He looks happy with that answer. 

(Y/n) turns away from Corey and towards the hostess, grabbing her hand and shaking it firmly.
"thank you so much for everything."
(Y/n) says to the hostess, and hands her a 20 dollar tip as a thank you.

The hostess gleams, "no problem at all, stay safe and have a good evening." the hostess waves the two goodbye as they leave the restaurant. Corey's arm wrapped tightly around (Y/n)'s shoulders as he guides them out.


"My car is around the corner in the other street, can't park here." Corey says, pointing his thumb into the direction of where he says his car is supposed to be. 
(Y/n) just nods and let's the singer guide them to a safer environment, with him...

However, even with Corey now here. (Y/n) can still hear the footsteps behind them. 
Have they finally lost their mind? No, it simply can't be. 
The footsteps suddenly speed up, catching up with the two. 
Corey seems to notice to and speeds up too, practically dragging (Y/n) with him. 

"Excuse me?" the person who has been following (Y/n) this whole time finally speaks up. 
Corey fears the worst. He whirls around, taking a defensive stance, pushing (Y/n) behind himself to protect them from a potential threat.  

The person, a guy jumps back in fear of Corey's sudden attitude. 
Soon enough, Corey doesn't view this stranger as a threat anymore and relaxes, 
"i'm sorry i scared you." He says, more in the direction of (Y/n) rather than the singer. 
(Y/n) looks at the stranger with confusion, He doesn't look threatening at all. 
What did he want from them?

The guy looks nervous, then pulls out something of great importance:

(Y/n)'s wallet!

(Y/n) gasps at the sight of their property in the strangers hand and walks out from behind Corey. 
"You, uh... Your wallet fell out of your bag, i had to return it to you." The stranger hands (Y/n) their wallet back. 
(Y/n) hasn't felt more relieved than this in a long time.
"Again, i'm sorry i scared you..." He apologists sheepishly. It really wasn't his intention to come of as creepy, but he really didn't know any other way to approach them. 
Sure, he could have called but, he wasn't thinking about that in the heat of the moment. 
He wanted to do the right thing. 

(Y/n) looks at the stranger and beams at them. 
"Thank you so much! You got me good!" (Y/n) jokes, trying to lighten the awkward mood setting. 
Corey still gives the stranger a sketchy look, not trusting him and he can't be blamed for that. The stranger is, well... A stranger still!

"well..." The stranger begins, rubbing the back of his neck. "I have to go now, and get home on time. Take care." He says, not awaiting a response and quickly getting away and out of sight.
"Haha!" (Y/n) laughs and turns around to face Corey with a smile. 

"false alarm... i guess."

There we go! Enjoy!

Thanks for reading.
- Missalot.

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