32# Cattitude.

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(Cat-boy) Joey Jordison X Reader

Summary : Cat boy Joey. Behaving like your typical crackhead cat.


There are a certain things that weren't mentioned while Joey had those feline features for a few days. Those ears and tail. Sharp eyes and teeth.
Because he was very stressed out, he was particularly moody at some points.


"Hey, Stop that!" (Y/n) raises their voice at the man that's scratching up his own couch. " Fuck you! This is my house, I can do what I want!" Joey argues back, his cat ears folding back and his tail wagging in annoyance, offering (Y/n) the finger. Then he resumes his scratching on the furniture piece.
(Y/n) shrugs, it's not their property so why would they care. They tried to stop him, twice...

At least Joey's real cat is way better behaved like that.
Joey seems to be done with his assault on the couch and scurries away upstairs. 
(Y/n) watches him go upstairs before going back to the PC and find a solution to Joey's current condition. They can hear the drummer walking around upstairs.
The peace only lasted two minutes, after they hear something shatter on the floor.

(Y/n) let's out a big exhausted sigh, pushing the chair away from the desk and standing up to see what Joey has knocked over this time.


Joey is sitting under the dining table, that's where he like to sit a lot. His tail is wagging in frustration. He must be in a bad mood again, most likely an effect of his stress. His arms are wrapped around his knees as he pulls them to his chest. preferring to stay in the shadows of the furniture piece. 
(Y/n) looks upon the table, unsure of what to do with this situation. It's not like they have any experience with this.

"Joey." (Y/n) tries calling for his attention. "what?" The cat-man snaps back from under the table. 
"What are you doing down there?" They ask, almost teasingly. 

Joey can only see (Y/n)'s legs from his position, he can almost feel their shit-eating grin.
"I'm going out to run some errands, okay? I'll be back in a flash." Then he can see them walk away to leave and get groceries. Joey hopes that they come back soon...

~~a few hours later~~

(Y/n) closes the door behind them, three heavy plastic bags hanging on their arms. At least they're glad to to be back at Joey's place now, where they have stayed with him through this whole ordeal with the cat features he sports right now.

"You took your time didn't you?" Speak of the devil, a voice almost startles them.
Joey is standing, arms crossed over his chest, his tail wagging in annoyance.
He looks like a parent who catches his kid sneaking out at night, although there is really nothing wrong. 
"Hey Joey." (Y/n) greets with a giddy smile, almost oblivious to his sour mood. 
"I got the eggs this time." They say, wiggling the bag where the egg are supposed to be in. 

Joey sneers, a small fang shows from under his upper-lip, his cat ears moving back. 
(Y/n) has to hold in a chuckle.
"Did you miss me, Joey?" They ask.
Joey's snarl falters and his face turns red. Cat ears turning back.
"NO! What are you talking about!?" He defends himself in embarrassed anger. But (Y/n) can see right though it.
"Come on JoJo. You missed me, admit it!" (Y/n) teases, using the nickname he hates. Moving past the cat-man and moving to put the groceries away. 
Joey stands there for a moment, gaining his composure before going after them. 
He really did miss them, over the short time that they were gone. It feels like (Y/n) is the only one 

Joey stands by the entrance of the kitchen, watching as (Y/n) puts away all of the products that they have purchased during their errand run. It's unnervingly quiet between the two, neither (Y/n) or Joey speaking. 
They can feel his presence, it's an instinct that they curse out sometimes. "Is there something you want Joey?" They ask after filling  up the fridge and closing it. 
Joey doesn't say anything right away, instead he eyes the bag of crackers on the table. His slit pupils dilate as he looks at is. 
In one swift movement he swings his arm and slaps the bag to the kitchen floor. 
"Joey!" (Y/n) gasps, rightfully surprised at his sudden movement. Joey doesn't think twice, he twists around and runs away. 
(Y/n) can only sigh in frustration as they pick up the bag of crackers that Joey knocked over, all the crackers inside are probably broken now...


Another day, another problem it seems...
(Y/n) is busy doing some work while they can, luckily they have an office job and can do their job at home if they wish. Though they would rather spend a work day in the office building to interact with their friend turned co-workers. 
Besides, they really need a break away from Joey's house and get away from his frustrating behavior. 

(Y/n) groans, leaning over and rubbing their temples in an attempt to get rid of the headache. 
"You okay, (Y/n)?"  Jill, (Y/n)'s female co-worker in the cubicle next to (Y/n)'s leans back to be able to see them. 
"Yeah, i'm fine Jill. Just got my hands full with things y'know?" They respond, waving the blonde's concern off. Jill doesn't seem convinced. "And... what about those?" she points to the scratches on (Y/n) arms. 
Yeah, Joey had scratched (Y/n) a few times, he immediately apologized after it happened and they're not that severe. The scratches are bigger than those of a normal cat however. 
"I have... had trouble with some forest pests rummaging around my yard. I tried to get rid of them the hard way." (Y/n) lies. They really shouldn't tell people about Joey'd condition at the moment, they would sound crazy for sure. 

Jill squints in suspicion at (Y/n), though seems to believe their claims. She tucks some of her own hair behind her ear and smiles at (Y/n). "If you say so (Y/n). Maybe call some pest-control next time huh?" She laughs, (Y/n) laughs right with her. "Yeah, i will. I leaned that the hard way." 


After work, (Y/n) returns to Joey's house. 
They can already feel that something is not right. The house is to quiet, to dark. And while looking around, (Y/n) turns on some lights to get rid of that darkness. 
"Joey?" They call out, "Hey, where are you?" There is not response. (Y/n) is only answered with more silence. 
Something must have happened. So, they start looking for clues to what might have happened.

Looking around, they find a shattered vase on the floor, gathered up onto a little pile. Did Joey knock this over? And tried to clean it up?  (Y/n) grows concerned when they see red on a few of the white shards. He must have hurt himself while attempting to clean it up. 
"Joey?!" They call again, a little louder. 
There is a trail of blood droplets that could lead (Y/n) to the cat-man. 
"Joey? Are you okay?" They follow the trail upstairs, towards the bathroom. 

In the bathroom they find the person they have been looking for, Joey is sitting on the side of the bathtub, holding his own wrist tightly, looking at his hand with a pained expression. 
"There you are." (Y/n)'s voice causes him to look up from his hand, meeting the eyes of (Y/n). He looks glad to see them. 
"You're back." He says, ears perking up his tail swinging over the bathtub. 
(Y/n) takes a step inside of the bathroom, "What'd you do?" They ask, their head tilting slightly to one side. 
Joey looks away, his cat ears falling flat against his head in either shame or guilt. 
"Ther-there was this moth flying around... and i knocked over that old vase when i tried to catch it. I tried to clean it up but i hurt my hand." he confesses, not daring to meet (Y/n)'s eye. 

(Y/n) sighs, they're not really angry or upset with it. Things like this can happen. They don't know what that vase meant for him, but Joey's wound is a bit more important at the moment. 
"Let me see." They approach him, holding their hand out to take a look at the wound on his hand. 
They take a seat next to him on the side of the tub. (Y/n) examines the wounds on his hands. 
Two keep cuts, along with a few smaller ones are openly bleeding. The blood coating his hand and now (Y/n)'s, pooling in his palm as he hold it open. 

It's a good thing that Joey had decided to go to the bathroom in the first place, that's where the first-aid kit is. 
(Y/n) goes to the cupboards below the sink and takes the kit out, opening it to treat the wounds. 
Joey hisses as the rubbing-alcohol cleans the cuts, a bandage goes over the wounds and then (Y/n) dresses it up. 
"there." (Y/n) says, holding Joey's bandaged hand in both hands. 
"That should do i. It's fine." They say in an attempt to comfort the cat-man. Joey's ears rise back up, he is glad that (Y/n) is here to help him.
"Thanks (Y/n)." Joey thanks them for their help. (Y/n) smiles at him, "It's really not a problem Joe. Come on, we should really clean up those shards before more people get hurt." they say and stand up, Joey following right behind them. 

~~Later that evening~~

After dinner, (Y/n) finally got the time to relax. Sitting on the couch with Joey's head on their lap. They twirl a strand of his hair in between their fingers. They let the hair go and move their hand to stroke one of Joey's cat ears. The ear twitches at the first tough, then the drummer starts to purr. (Y/n) can't help but smile. No matter that Joey has been such a handful these past three days, those cat features make him look more adorable that usual. 

There we go, people seem to love a bratty Joey. I admit it's kinda funny sometimes.

Thanks for reading.
- Shardonee

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