27# Bearable Hug.

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Mick Thomson X Reader. 

Summary :  Mick Comforts (Y/n) after they wake up from a bad dream. 

Requested by : Anonymous. 

(A/n) : Some soft Mick fluff action here. Also i wasn't really sure with what you meant by 'pet names' but it sounds degrading to me.


It has been a tough day for everyone, but for the band mostly.
The whole day has been spent on doing rehearsals for the concert for tomorrow evening, everyone is excited and nervous for tomorrow. And it's better for the band to get to bed early to have plenty of energy for the concert.


(Y/n) is already fast asleep on the shared hotel bed.

Mick is still putting the finishing touches to his work, scribbling at the small desk with only the desk lamp on in order to not disturb (Y/n) while they're asleep.

Mindlessly working on the guitar riffs he didn't really agree with in the band discussion. He hears a faint noise coming from his right side, or from (Y/n) direction.

He turns to look at them, still sound asleep in bed. They look so peaceful in his opinion.

Mick goes back to his work, only to be interrupted by yet another noise. He drops the pencil that he was holding, almost threateningly. Twisting the office chair around to look around for the noise that dares to disturb him.

His attention is directed towards (Y/n) again, he can see them moving faintly. squirming in the blankets. The guitarist really can't help but feel a little worried. Something about this situation is off.

His worry only grows when (Y/n) starts to whimper softly. And he can already tell that (Y/n) is having a nightmare.

Mick stands up from the desk and slowly shuffles over to the bed and sits down on the side of it.

The way (Y/n) face is screwed up in discomfort saddens the guitarist. He can't stand it, seeing them like this.

His large hand nearly envelops their entire shoulder and he starts shaking them roughly, hoping to wake them up.

Few view rough jerks and (Y/n) wakes up, shooting off the mattress with a strangled gasp.

(Y/n) slowly calming down as they realize where they are. The warm hand on their shoulder grounding them in reality, but the memory still present in their mind. They run a hand through their hair, letting out a big sigh.

"Are you okay?" A gruff voice asks as gently as he possibly could. His thumb rubs a circle into their shirt. Mick has a look of worry present in his expression.

(Y/n) clears their throat before speaking up. "Uhm, Yeah I'm not hurt or anything. Just, tense..." They say. Laying their own other hand over Mick's that's still on their shoulder as an attempt to comfort themselves.

Mick can see that the nightmare has shaken (Y/n) up quite a bit. They feel stiff under his hand, they breath hard and stare a hole into the other side of the room.

"Come here." Mick says, wrapping his arm around both (Y/n)'s shoulders and slowly pulling them into a gentle hug.

(Y/n) gladly accepts the comfort of the guitarist. They sigh in contentment into his chest, enveloped by the warmth that calms them down.

Mick takes a secure hold on (Y/n), then he slowly lowers himself on the bed, taking (Y/n) with him.

The two lay down on the soft mattress. Holding each other close, their legs intertwined together.

(Y/n) breathes out a big sigh before speaking up.

"I can't really explain it... But I'll do my best." (Y/n) says, squirming in the guitarist's hold as they get more comfortable.

Mick stays silent, giving (Y/n) a change to talk and vent.

"I was in this grass field, trees in the distance. And all these white rocks scattered across the field." (Y/n) begins telling their bad dream, and the guitarist listens to every word that comes from their mouth.

"Everything was grim and in black and white... well the grass was grey actually, HaHa." They snicker after correcting themselves. "And the rocks were white." They continue speaking.

"I suddenly felt a threatening presence. Something nearby that wanted to harm me!" (Y/n) explains a hint of fear in their tone of voice.

Mick squeezes (Y/n) tight to himself, assuring them that he's here with them and here for them.

He lowers his head to rest his face into their hair, nuzzling them.

"So, before I could turn around and the potential threat... You woke me up." (Y/n) closes their eyes and rests against Mick's collarbone, their head tucked under his chin.

Mick hums, "That sounds terrifying... Feeling threatened but not knowing what is there." He mumbles into (Y/n)'s hair.

"Yeah... But you saved me there, Big Guy." (Y/n) chuckles into his shirt. Mick joins in with laughing, a snicker rumbling in his chest.

(Y/n) nuzzles their head under his chin, his beard twinging with their hair. They put their ear against his collarbone, hearing his heart beating.

The warmth that Mick emits and the sound of his heart is lulling them back to sleep.

The cherry on top is when Mick raises his hand to run his fingers through their hair, from root to the very tip.

It doesn't take long for (Y/n) to fall back in a pleasant sleep, safe within the arms of the guitarist.

Not soon after, the guitarist also joins (Y/n) in the land of slumber. The two people have fallen asleep safely in each other's arms.

Here you go, Anon. I hope it's to your liking!

Thanks for reading.
- Missalot.

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